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The Fallen Gods

One of the key events in the Time of Change was the vanishing of 51 out of 60 gods. This left large gaps of power when churches suddenly found themselves without magic or divine assistance. Several kingdoms were based on divine right to rule, and when the devine stopped supporting the leaders, civil wars errupted. This will describe the impact each of the deities' dissappearances had on the world.


Goddess of Life and Fertility

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A white pine cone
Colors: White and brown
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Birth, Children, Family
Worshipers: Halflings, Matrons, Doctors
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG, N
Domains: Family, Healing, Luck, Protection
Favored Weapon: Knife

The motherly goddess of the Halflings, Anadil (AN-a-dil) is a caring woman usually appearing with ornate brown robes and curly white hair. Given her domain over birth, nearly every family says a prayer to her at some point.

Clergy and Temples
The Motherly and Fatherly Guardians are a special group of followers dedicated to taking care of communities or fellowships.

Time Of Change
Those communities that depend on the Motherly and Fatherly Guardians suddenly find survival difficult. Many die from this lack of survival ability, while others as destroyed by brigands. Some fall to depravity.


God of the Dead

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A granite square
Colors: Mottled gray
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Death, Healing, Tears
Worshipers: Morticians, Clerics
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Death, Good, Renewal, Time
Favored Weapon: Sickle

Though most think of death as a tragedy, Avalon (AV-a-lon) is a reminder of the eternal peace that death brings. He usually appears as a graying Widdershin dressed in heavy granite colored robes with a deep hood.

Show compassion to those who have recently been close to death. Show respect to the dead. Death is part of life and is a time where we can learn and grow. Undead should be helped to meet their final rest, either through the destruction of evil undead or the assisting of good undead.

Clergy and Temples
Standing temples of Avalon are usually only found in major cities, but temporary temples can be found at the site of any major tragedy. Organized more like a charitable organization than a church, priests and followers often take up humanitarian missions. The High Minister of Avalon resides in the cathedral at Watermouth in the elven lands. Most priests of Avalon are skilled in dealing with people as well as the dead, but the Ferrymen are a distinguished class of adventurers dealing with the undead. Clerics of Avalon pray for their spells at dusk, taking solace in the twilight.

Time Of Change
While the charitable missions become less grand due to lack of spell support, the religion generally maintains its standing and duties.


God of Tyranny

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: An iron fist in front of a black banner on a purple field
Colors: Iron, black, and purple
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Conquest, Nobility, Tyranny
Worshipers: Blackguards, Evil Nobles, Warlocks, Frost Giants, Troglodytes
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Nobility, Pride, Strength, Tyranny
Favored Weapon: Scepter (Club)

The tyrant god, Binesius (bin-E-shus) tolerates only obedience and loyalty. He is a god of rulership and power appearing as a Frost Giant in iron plate armor and fur-lined purple cloak. Atop his head he wears an iron crown set with five black diamonds. In depictions, his race is usually changed to match the locale.

Clergy and Temples
The Disciples of Tyranny (see Disciple of Asmodeus, BVD 57) are an elite group of power-hungry lords that are among the highest ranking members of the church.

Time Of Change
The kingdoms and cities ruled over by Binesius's followers were typically suppressed by fear and the leaders were firmly entrenched. Several became known to have lost their god's support and were killed by rivals or underlings. This usually led to civil war.


God of Vengeance, Bastard King

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A black circle on a red background
Colors: Black and red
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Outcasts, Vengeance
Worshipers: Abandoned People, Vengeance-seekers
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Mysticism, Retribution, War, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Pike (Longspear)

Championing the causes of the outcasts, Canluth (kan-LOOTH) is a god dedicated to vengeance disguised as justice. His hatred is well directed usually, but woe to those who get in the way. Canluth often appears as a worg riding goblin wearing red and black leather armor and wielding a pike.

Clergy and Temples
There is a little-known group known as the Black Circle which has incredible influence among the church. They are said to be able to strike vengeance from great distances.

Time Of Change
Hatred knows no bounds, and the church of Canluth didn't hold up any socieities. So, other than the deminished capability of the Black Circle, his followers were barely affected by his loss.


God of Magic

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Six stars on a field of blue
Colors: Yellow, orange, blue
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Arcana, Artifacts, Spells
Worshipers: Magecrafters, Sorcerers, Wizards, Eldritch Giants, Musgraves
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN, N
Domains: Force, Magic, Mysticism, Spell
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

The god of wizardry and sorcery, Chihare (chee-HAR-ah) tends to pay more attention to ley lines and books then the ways of mortals. He tends to be arrogant but patient and appears as a classic wizard depiction. He is usually a musgraf in flowing blue robes, carrying a staff and wearing a pointed hat with six yellow stars.

Clergy and Temples
Of special note, the Divine Arcanists are high priests of the clergy that have merged arcane and divine casting prowess.

Time Of Change
The lack of divine magic destroyed the Magecrafters' ability to create divine magic items. Since most of his powerful followers are wizards and sorcerers, the lack of a god didn't destroy any existing power structures. Most of them were already impacted by the previous problems with magic.


Goddess of Charity

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A pair of open palm golden hands
Colors: Gold and white
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Charity, Poverty
Worshipers: Clerics, Paladins, Volunteers
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG, N
Domains: Creation, Family, Good, Protection
Favored Weapon: Light Mace

The goddess of the poor, Cilinda (sih-LIN-dah) is the champion of the impoverished and the bane of money-grubbing tyrants. Appearing as an Aasimar in white armor wielding a gold mace, she is heroic and compassionate.

Clergy and Temples
The most renowned followers are the Golden Squires who dedicate their lives to helping others.

Time Of Change
With the loss of Cilinda, the poor and downtrodden that were kept alive and healthy through her power either ended up dead, or further destitute. The disparity between the wealthy and the poor has just worsened.


Goddess of Wastes

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Bleached white bovine skull on sand
Colors: Light tan and white
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Famine, Wasteland
Worshipers: Sun Giants
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Pestilence, Sun
Favored Weapon: Falchion

Goddess of the Sun Giants, Dahjihai (DAH-jee-HI) is a destroyer of civilization and master of the wastelands. She usually appears as a mummified sun giant wielding a petrified wooden falchion.

Clergy and Temples
Infamous among the clergy are the Blighters (see CD 23), a circle of wasteland death druids.

Time Of Change
Having no racial city and a well established matriarchal society, the loss of their goddess was felt deeply by the sun giants, but didn't have a marked affect on them.


God of Fertility and Passion

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A beanstalk
Colors: Deep green and pink
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Beauty, Fertility, Passion
Worshipers: Entertainers, Prostitutes, Satyrs
Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N
Domains: Family, Healing, Lust, Pride
Favored Weapon: Shortspear

Often demonized by the conservative, Demos(DEE-moes) is the god of free love and passion. The main conflict comes up when one side of the free love cries rape. To Demos, love in the moment is more important than thinking those things through. He appears as a well groomed and masculine Satyr, often carrying a shortspear wrapped with a bit of bean stalk.

Clergy and Temples
The most skilled of Demos' priests are the Wylders, who cast powerful divine magics spontaneously through the forces of passion.

Time Of Change
The Wylders were affected most by Demos' loss, as were those few towns that worshiped lust as a culture. Most noticeably was the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, which had been controlled through magical intervention. This has led to the Green Plague sweeping through the seedy sides of many cities. Those clergy of Demos that survived the first year found a place under the wing of Ahma-Buddha.


Goddess of Greed

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A fortified chest of gold
Colors: Gold and iron
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Greed, Treasure, Wealth
Worshipers: Nobles, Rogues, Tax Collectors, Kobolds, Ogres
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Envy, Greed, Lust, Wealth
Favored Weapon: Short Sword

The goddess of Kobolds and all those that like to horde money, Desela (DES-el-lah) exemplifies money-grubbing. Stingy and shrewd, Desela appears as a kobold dressed in finery with a jeweled short sword.

Clergy and Temples
Elite among the followers of Desela are the Ordained Raiders (see Temple Raider of Olidammara, CD 67), a group of rogues blessed by the power of their god.

Time Of Change
The lack of power from Desela led to a decrease in thievery and the need to hire more people to handle tax collections. Of course the decrease in thievery was only temporary, and the increase in accounting staff led to more taxes.


God of Order

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Three parallel lines
Colors: Violet and silver
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Law, Order, Virtue
Worshipers: Judges, Monks, Dirmu, Widdersins
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN, N
Domains: Law, Planning, Protection, Strength
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Dizga (DIZ-gah) is the god of law, structure, and order, requiring temperance and discipline by his followers. These are all aspects that he embodies himself. Dizga appears as a proud Dirmu in silver armor with a shield bearing his symbol.

Clergy and Temples
The elite martial wing of the church is the Fists of Law, dedicated to maintaining order.

Time Of Change
Those justices and leaders that relied on Dizga's wisdom have been forced to make their own choices. Several have been murdered by vengeful families of defendants after proof of Dizga not providing divine wisdom to the judge as was portrayed. The Fists of Law, while still capable martially have found themselves protecting their own temples and court houses against riots.


God of Wealth

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A pile of gold coins on a silver field
Colors: Gold and silver
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Commerce, Gambling
Worshipers: Accountants, Bankers, Rogues
Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
Domains: Greed, Luck, Trade, Wealth
Favored Weapon: Dagger

The patron of shopkeepers and commerce is Egrolius (eg-RO-lee-us), god of wealth. Unlike Desela who hordes money, Egrolius sees the value in money being able to provide other luxuries. He usually appears as a gnome in silver silk clothes with gold jewelry.

Clergy and Temples
The most reknowned of Egrolius' followers are the Patron Lords, wealthy aristocrat adventurers.

Time Of Change
Very little of Egrolius' followers' powers were gained through divine means. They continue to be wealthy and commerce continues unabated.


God of Freaks

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Disfigured humanoid head with a broken horn, different sized eyes, and both a smile and frown
Colors: Orange and black
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Aberrations, Ugliness
Worshipers: Disfigured People, Aberrations, Doppelgangers, Mongrelfolk
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Envy, Evil, Gluttony, Hatred
Favored Weapon: Flail

Born of hatred from being mocked and spit upon, Erimeth (ERR-i-meth) is a god of ugliness and freaks. He usually appears as an ugly and malformed humanoid of undetermined race and gender, with a pair of horns, one of which is broken, and carrying a bloody flail.

Clergy and Temples
Of particular note among the clergy are the Ascendant Thralls (see Thrall of Demogorgon, BVD 67), creepy priests that slowly transform into abominations over time.

Time Of Change
Without the support of their god, followers of Erimeth have descended into madness, rage, and sometimes pacts with other dark powers.


God of Flame, Arson Lord

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Stylized orange and yellow flame on a red field
Colors: Orange, yellow, and red
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Burning, Destruction, Malice
Worshipers: Shugenja, Sorcerers, Wizards, Fire Giants
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Destruction, Fire, Liberation, War
Favored Weapon: Two-Handed Sword

The darker side of fire, Exolindius (EX-oh-LIN-dee-us) is the burning god of destruction. He is an angry god who enjoys watching things and people burn. He appears as a fire giant in red dragon scale armor wielding a two-handed flamberge sheathed in flame.

Clergy and Temples
The Red Flame is the elite crusaders of the church of Exolindius, having masterful control over fire.

Time Of Change
With the loss of control over fire, the priests quickly lost control over their holdings. Sorcerers and fire giant warlords have led civil wars, taking control of the castles and former temples. Those temples that were in civilized areas have mostly been burned to the ground by angry arsons.


God of Desolation

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Sandstone pyramid
Colors: Light tan with white and gold
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Deserts, Drought, Heat
Worshipers: Desert People, Asheratis, Thri-Kreen
Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
Domains: Destruction, Fire, Suffering, Sun
Favored Weapon: Kukri

Often made out to be evil by those not from the deserts, Faiisbar (FI-ihs-bar) is the embodiment of desolation. Desert folk understand that heat, sun, and suffering are simply part of life in the wastelands which care nothing about morality. Faiisbar typically appears as an Asherati nomad in sand-colored linens with a gold kukri.

Clergy and Temples
Well respected by their religion, and sought after by travelers, the Oasis Guardians are true masters of the deserts.

Time Of Change
With the loss of Faiisbar, many desert folk have died. While the teachings live on, entire towns have vanished in the wastes, and places that were once traversable by following Oasis Guardians are now just death traps.


Goddess of Peace

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Olive branch
Colors: Olive green and white
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Mirth, Peace, Unity
Worshipers: Activists, Healers, Monks
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Luck
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

As the goddess of community, Femola (fe-MOH-la) is a gentle and forgiving goddess dedicated to healing and happiness. She typically appears as an Elf woman with olive green eyes, wearing pure white clothes and always smiling.

Clergy and Temples
Constantly striving to achieve peace through non-violence are the Apostles of Peace (see BED 51), a high ranking group of the clergy.

Time Of Change
When the people were turned away from the monasteries and sanctuaries, they grew angry. The claims that the priests couldn't heal anymore was taken as trickery and brewed hatred. Many of the monasteries were destroyed, leaving sorrowful undead and ruins in their place.


Keeper of Souls

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A skeletal key
Colors: White and maroon
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Promises, Undeath, Winter
Worshipers: Necromancers, Death Giants
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Cold, Gluttony, Hunger, Undeath
Favored Weapon: Scythe

One of the most feared gods, Gil (gil) is the embodiment of undeath and eternal imprisonment of the soul. To those unfortunate enough to encounter him, Gil appears as a death giant in maroon robes laced with bones. A ring of keys made of bones jingles at his hip and he holds a scythe carved from the bones of some large creature.

Clergy and Temples
The followers who get the closest to undeath without actually dying are the Death Shapers (see Thral of Orcus, BVD 71), and for that they are afforded unusual reverence among the church.

Time Of Change
When Gil went away, the millions of souls he had bound to him were left to wander uncontrolled. The rise of undead was like a plague. Death giants and necromancers that gained their power through the arcane flourished, while those of the divine were killed by the hordes. The champions of Jaringan have risen up to fight back against the undead.


God of Deception

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A rainbow crescent
Colors: Gold and yellow
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Illusions, Lies
Worshipers: Bards, Illusionists, Rogues, Goblins
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Competition, Evil, Illusion, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Dagger

The god of lies and deception, Gorhal (gore-HALL) can only be trusted enough to make sure he comes out on top. His main form is that of an aged goblin dressed in prismatic robes, but as the god of illusions, he rarely shows up in the same form twice.

Clergy and Temples
Within the ranks (actually at the top) of Gorhal's followers are the Lie Casters (see Thrall of Graz'zt, BVD 69), spell casters exceptionally adept at misleading.

Time Of Change
Most of Gorhal's followers were arcane casters, and therefore not directly impacted by his loss. The Lie Casters however were uncovered, truths were revealed, and mutinies errupted.


Goddess of the Sun

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A golden disk with an eye in the center
Colors: Gold and yellow
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Healing, Light, Sun
Worshipers: Desert People, Druids, Clerics
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Glory, Healing, Oracle, Sun
Favored Weapon: Morningstar

As the Goddess of the Sun, Haijisa (HI-jee-sah) has one of the most visible reminders of her presence. Many cultures revere her as the sun is necessary for their survival. Haijisa is friendly and caring to the living, but detests undead.

Followers of Haijisa are charged with bringing wisdom and light to the world. Advice is to be given to those worthy of it, and evil is to be cast into darkness. Those who are reverent are to be provided with healing light, and those of undeath are to be burned by it.

Clergy and Temples
Haijisa's church is held in high esteem and is near to nobility in many cities. Her priests are often close advisers to leaders but at the same time are close to the common people. The Radiant Servants (see Radiant Servant of Pelor, CD 52) are the battle wing of the church, trained to heal their allies and combat undead hordes. Temples to Haijisa almost universally have open or transparent roofs, allowing sunlight to flood the temples. Clerics of Haijisa regain their spells at sun rise.

Time Of Change
When Haijisa vanished, the sun disappeared from the sky. Though it rose the next day, the damage had been done. Panic ran through the countryside. It wasn't long before it was found that the clerics had been doing prophesies and providing advice for months without their divine oracle abilities that they claimed to have. The temples were ransacked and the nobles had the high priests and advisers executed. When the undead plague began her priests found power through Jaringan and acted as a formidable force to halt it. Since thta shift, former followers of Haijisa have almost all converted to worship of the new God of the Sun.


God of the Sky

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A white feather with a gold halo
Colors: White and light blue
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Clouds, Flight, Sky
Worshipers: Cloud Giants, Raptorans, Tik-Ani
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Air, Good, Liberation, Windstorm
Favored Weapon: Javelin

The ruler of the sky above land, Heimeus (HI-me-us) shares the air with his twin Omethis. He is a righteous and freedom-loving god that appears as a Raptoran with white wings, wearing light blue scale armor and carrying a javelin.

The ground is over run by people, plants, animals, monsters, buildings, and ruins. The sky on the other hand remains clean, open, and scarcely populated by birds, dragons, and other creatures of the clouds. Assist those of the sky, and make sure ground dwellers understand the sanctity of the air. Those who treat the air with respect should be held in favor, while those who fill it with smoke or constructs should be met with resistance.

Clergy and Temples
The Skyking is the head of the church of Heimeus and the ruler of the city of Aerion. While the most impressive temples to the God of the Sky are built on the solid clouds of the cloud giants, silver dragons, and tik-ani, there are several land-based temples as well. They are most notable for their tower shapes with narrow bases and larger tops. Obviously all priests of Heimeus have an affinity for air, and many have some power of lightning or electricity. All of the highest ranking clergy can fly or have flying mounts. The elite holy crusaders, the Skylords (see BED 71), fight in Heimeus' name from atop such aerial mounts. Clerics of Heimeus pray for their spells after breakfast, ready to begin a new day.

Time Of Change
With the disappearance of Heimeus, the sky nations were rocked. His temples collapsed, several of them falling through the clouds to the ground far below. The wisdom and strength of the cloud giants and silver dragons held the sky nations together, but their interaction with the ground dwellers has almost completely ceased.


God of Wanderlust

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Dirt path through fields of grain headed towards distant mountains
Colors: Brown, tan, and blue
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Longing, Nomads
Worshipers: Nomads, Catfolk, Goliaths
Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N
Domains: Chaos, Fate, Time, Travel
Favored Weapon: Spear

Filled with longing and a never-ending sense to keep moving, Holontier (holl-ON-teer) is the god of nomads and patron to nomadic peoples. He typically appears as a Goliath dressed in travelers garb, carrying a lute and a spear.

Clergy and Temples
The most respected of Holontier's clerics are those called Trail Blazers, embodying their god's ideals.

Time Of Change
With the sudden lack of their god, the catfolk and goliaths nomads found their hard lives even harder. They could no longer count on divine food and magically pure water. Their protections from the elements no longer held. Many died, and those that survived became even more primal.


God of Floods

Lesser Deity
Symbol: The outline of a drowning face in a field of deep blue
Colors: Dark blue and black
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Disease, Floods
Worshipers: Druids
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Pestilence, Water
Favored Weapon: Heavy Mace

The god of flooding and the disease it brings, Inunallah (in-un-AHL-ah) is a merciless god. He usually appears as a Taman with frog-like features, dressed in rotting dark blue robes.

Clergy and Temples
At the top of the church are the Mire Adepts, unholy casters dedicated to plagues and pestilence.

Time Of Change
The loss of Inunallah has had little affect on the world as a whole. Natural plagues and floods still occur, and there is so much other bad stuff going on that people don't generally notice it has lessened.


Goddess of Beauty

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A peach ribbon running across a field of pink
Colors: Peach and pink
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Beauty, Love
Worshipers: Artists, Bards
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG, N
Domains: Charm, Good, Protection, Renewal
Favored Weapon: Rapier

The goddess of artists and models, Iomilia (EE-oh-MIL-ee-ah) nurtures love through beauty. She typically appears as a spellscale of unsurpassed beauty with pink flecks on her scales, wearing an ornate peach dress and wide-brimmed hat.

Clergy and Temples
Capturing beauty through music, the Troubadours of Stars (see BED 79) are a special group of the church welcomed at any high society event.

Time Of Change
With the lack of divine magical support, many of Iomilia's church have fallen to baser activities. People previously driven by beauty have turned to drugs and alcohol to reduce the pain of their loss. A number of her followers have taken refuge with followers of Merran. The Troubadours of Stars mostly changed faiths to worship Ahma-Buddha and his love for celebration.


Ruler of Anarchy, Master of Chaos

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Eight-pointed chaos arrows
Colors: Bright red and orange
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Anarchy, Chaos, Luck
Worshipers: Barbarians, Rogues
Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N
Domains: Chaos, Liberation, Luck, Travel
Favored Weapon: Handaxe

Unpredictable as a spark on the wind, Kazt (kazt) is chaos incarnate. If he had his way, all civilization would be destroyed and people left to live open in the world, dependent only on themselves. Kazt typically appears as a large Ogre with bright red eyes, wearing orange leather armor and carrying a well-used handaxe.

Clergy and Temples
The most fanatical and revered champions of Kazt are the Ordained Anarchists.

Time Of Change
Many of Kazt's followers initially saw their disappearance of power as a random chaotic event put forth by their god to challenge them. Over time leaders have lost the faith of their tribes or followers, and by recognizing the loss of so many other gods, they realize this isn't a test by Kazt. Depression hardening to rage has swept through them.


God of Stone

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Dark brown triangle on a granite gray background
Colors: Granite gray and dark brown
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Mining, Mountains, Stone
Worshipers: Sculptors, Dwarves, Stone Giants, Stonechildren
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN, N
Domains: Cavern, Craft, Earth, Strength
Favored Weapon: Heavy Pick

Nurbias's prodigy, Kolinbar (koe-LIN-bar), the God of Stone, usually appears as a Stone Giant wielding a heavy pick made of stone and wearing dark brown leathers. He is a humorless deity with emotions that match the stone he works with.

Stone is true, reliable, and is the foundation of the world. From the caverns of the underworld to the mountains of the surface, stone is unrelenting and ever present. The rest of the world may do its thing, but our duty is to cultivate the stone. Use stone in its natural form when you can, but know that it will be reliable and hold any form you give it. Use the strength of stone to help you provide a reliable foundation for others.

Clergy and Temples
The religion of Kolinbar is a rigid structure with a well-defined hierarchy. The center of the religion is the High Supreme Mason, located in Metea. All clergy are expected to give lifetime commitments to the church, including a one year sabbatical to encourage reliance on Kolinbar. Those who enter the rank of clerics are given the freedom to adventure in Kolinbar's name. Elite among them are the Granite Legion. Clerics of Kolinbar regain their spells at Noon.

Time Of Change
In many dwarven, stone giant, and stonechild settlements, it was clerics of Kolinbar that provided healing and community support. With this gone, the church has lost a lot of its privilege. Still, the masons of Kolinbar continue to be the best in the world and are sought after.


Goddess of Rain

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Blue drop of water on a light gray field
Colors: Blue and light gray
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Cleanliness, Rain
Worshipers: Druids, Farmers
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG, N
Domains: Air, Healing, Purification, Water
Favored Weapon: Rainstick (Club)

The goddess of farmers and gardeners, Kupria (KOO-pree-ah) is the spirit of the soothing spring rain. She often appears as a small animal with blue eyes, but occasionally appears as a pixie dressed in blue water.

Clergy and Temples
The Disciples of Purity are a group of Kupria's clerics that specialize in cleansing and restoration, and are of high regard throughout the church.

Time Of Change
The loss of cleansing and restoration powers has left the clerics of Kupria unable to help the lands that they have supported for so long. Instead, areas have turned rancid or simply dried up. The clerics have been abandoned by the masses, though the often seek sanctuary with the druids.


God of Fury

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Yellow tribal markings on a orange-red field
Colors: Yellow and orange-red
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Fanatics, Hate, Rage
Worshipers: Barbarians, Bugbears, Hill Giants, Minotaurs
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Courage, Destruction, Hatred, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe

The god of wrath and hatred, Lamtorak(LAM-tor-ak) is furious and unpredictable. He typically appears as a minotaur with orange-red fur and his recognized tribal markings along his horns.

Clergy and Temples
The most feared of Lamtorak's followers are the Holy Ragers (see Champion of Gwynharwyf, BED 57), a group of barbarians with unholy backing.

Time Of Change
The lost of Lamtorak has meant the downfall of the ruling class in Minos, not because they were his followers, but because those tyrants relied on the strength of his followers to keep the city in check. His loss was also felt among the Brass Mercenaries where many Holy Ragers had found a calling.


God of Nightmares

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Humanoid silhouette with four putrid tentacles in front of a field of teeth
Colors: Black, white, and putrid green
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Fear, Illusions, Madness
Worshipers: Enchanters, Illusionists
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Dream, Envy, Madness, Mind
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Sometimes referred to as the bogeyman, Ledorian (led-DORE-ee-an) is the god of nightmares and madness. He revels in fear and the deterioration of the mind. When visible, Ledorian appears as an ogre mage dressed all in black with his face painted white except for his putrid green eyes.

Clergy and Temples
Among the elite of the church are the Architects of Terror, a group of casters extremely adept at getting into their targets minds and under their skin.

Time Of Change
Ledorian's priests maintained several insane asylums around the world. When their magic went away, the crazy people took over.


God of Shadow

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Pair of dark gray eyes in a field of black
Colors: Dark gray and black
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Darkness, Secrets, Thieves
Worshipers: Rogues, Smugglers, Skulks
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Darkness, Mind, Spider, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Short Sword

Lord of darkness and secrets, Malgondis (mal-GONE-dis) is a whisper on the wind or a black spot in a shadow. When he chooses to appear, it is always in darkness and he is a Skulk wearing a black body suit, black cloak, and ornate faceless mask.

Clergy and Temples
Individually disturbing, the Dark Ones are a rank of high priests of Malgondis whos skill with shadows, thievery, and assassination are downright terrifying as a group.

Time Of Change
The Dark Ones became a secret cabal within the Shades Elite, running many of the underworld missions. They've prayed to dark entities to regain a semblance of their original power. Some have regained near full capability under Sazia's control.


God of Art

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Red eye on a violet field
Colors: Red and violet
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Art, Dance, Music
Worshipers: Artists, Critics
Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
Domains: Charm, Craft, Illusion, Pride
Favored Weapon: Rapier

The god of all forms of fine art, Merran (mer-AHN) is fanciful and opinionated. He usually appears as a gnome dressed in red and violet finery, wearing a monocle on his left eye.

Clergy and Temples
Most respected among Merran's followers are the Divine Entertainers who literally create works of art with divine inspiration.

Time Of Change
The church didn't really have great power, so the loss of their god wasn't a huge setback. Art continues, and those who followed Merran were among the best artists. The Merran Institute of Art continues operation.


God of Travel

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Ivory walking stick
Colors: Light brown with white trim
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Distance, Swiftness, Travel
Worshipers: Caravans, Scouts, Travelers
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Celerity, Law, Portal, Travel
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

The god of the safe journey, Norral (nor-AL) is revered by caravan masters. Those in his good graces can make excellent travel time and move about safely. Luckily, Norral generally like travelers. He usually appears as an elderly Lupin in travelers clothes, relying heavily on an ivory walking stick.

Clergy and Temples
Among the followers of Norral are the Divine Pilots, travel specialists that are sought after to lead ships and caravans.

Time Of Change
With the lack of magical aid, many of Norral's followers lost their jobs or their lives. The Divine Pilots lost all respect and their leader committed suicide. Most of the surviving clergy have become nomads, hermits, or wastrels.


God of Storms, Thunder Lord

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Black cloud with a pale lightning bolt on a dark gray field
Colors: Dark gray and pale yellow
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Lightning, Storms, Wind
Worshipers: Evokers, Rangers, Wizards
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Air, Destruction, Storm, Windstorm
Favored Weapon: Spear

The ruler of the sky above sea, Omethis (oh-METH-is) shares the air with his twin Heimeus. He is a moody and sadistic god that appears as a Raptoran with dark gray wings, wearing pale yellow scale armor and carrying a spear.

Clergy and Temples
Befitting the Thurder Lord, his divine champions go by the name Stormlords (see CD 65), and are accorded much respect in the church.

Time Of Change
The sudden lack of lightning power and weather control toppled Omethis' followers. Luckily very few societies were built off their power, so the overall affect was minor.


God of the Seas

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Blue light house with a gold light
Colors: Dark blue, light blue, and gold
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Sea, Tides, Waves
Worshipers: Sailors, Darfellans, Ocean Giants, Hadozee, Sea Kin
Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N
Domains: Celerity, Ocean, Planning, Water
Favored Weapon: Scimitar

The oceans are the domain of Opherus (OH-fur-us), god of the waves. He is a fickle god that likes to challenge his followers. He typically appears as an Ocean Giant in glimmering gold scale armor, wearing a crown of coral and wielding a scimitar that seems forged of the very ocean itself.

Clergy and Temples
Feared on the high seas, but respected among the church, the Tideriders are an order of divine pirates.

Time Of Change
Piracy and shipping have both been hindered by the loss of Opherus. As the central religion to the Darfellans and Ocean Giants, their communities have found themselves lacking healing and divine support. This has led their various towns to either become more secluded, or to reach out for support at the surface.


God of Atonement

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Red head with black goat horns and concerned eyes
Colors: Red, black, and white
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Discipline, Forgiveness, Penance
Worshipers: Fallen Clerics and Paladins, Prisoners, Sharakim
Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
Domains: Balance, Knowledge, Purification, Renewel
Favored Weapon: Longsword

The god of forgiveness and penance, Pariontor (pare-ee-ON-tor) embraces those who have lost their way and seek to regain their footing. Be they good or evil, those seeking to make up for an act are likely to call upon him. Other gods who are failed by mortals will often call on Pariontor to enforce penance. He usually appears as a Tiefling with red skin and black goat horns dressed in white chain. His eyes always show deep compassion and concern.

Clergy and Temples
Among the high priests are those known as Confirmed Redeemers, the most adept and enforcing pennance and seeing to atonment.

Time Of Change
With the loss of gods, many people flocked to the followers of Pariontor to find out what they did wrong. When the clerics were unable to help, as they had lost their own god, panic spread. Few prisons or temples have been targeted by vengeance or hatred, though most of the temples have been abandoned, the clergy finding a welcoming hand in the church of Jahnian.


God of Light

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A white sphere
Colors: White
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Light, Sight, Stars
Worshipers: Druids, Wizards
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN, N
Domains: Darkness, Glory, Moon, Sun
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

The god of all light and its effects, Pheron (FARE-on) controls the dim twinkle as much as the brilliant glow. He is a personable and jolly god that usually appears as a Musgraf in a white suit with the glimmer of stars in his eyes.

Clergy and Temples
A small group of followers of Pheron known as the Light Twisters (see Shadowspy, CC 105) are highly viewed by the church for their masterful manipulation of light.

Time Of Change
Pheron didn't have a large clergy of clerics. Most of his followers were actually druids or arcane casters, so his loss was felt more in the heart than in the hand.


Great Old Eye

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Angry yellowed eye with red iris on a putrid green field
Colors: Yellow-white and pale olive green
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Beholders, Malice
Worshipers: Beholders
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Destruction, Domination, Knowledge, Spell
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Worshiped almost exclusively by Beholders, Qolgorital (kall-GORE-it-tall) is the embodiment of malice with magical backing. The Great Old Eye appears as a bloated putrid green beholder with yellowed eyes and teeth.

Clergy and Temples
The Destructive Eyes are high priests of Qolgorital adept with eye-based magic.

Time Of Change
The priests of Qolgorital have found themselves slaughtered by the beholders that they used to rule over. His cults of other races have just gone further into hiding, having lost their divine aid to spreading hatred.


God of Bounty

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Cornucopia, fruits, and loaf of bread
Colors: Wheat yellow and green apple
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Abundance, Agriculture, Animals
Worshipers: Farmers, Hunters
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG, N
Domains: Animal, Creation, Gluttony, Plant
Favored Weapon: Flail

The god of abundance, Redomel (reh-DOM-ell) is happy to make people fat. He enjoys the fresh harvest and the scent of a kitchen. Redomel appears as a rotund Halfling with wheat colored hair, usually carrying a bushel of green apples.

Clergy and Temples
Although most of Redomel's followers are normal folk, the Bounteous Farmers are champions of the god and well regarded in any community.

Time Of Change
Redomel didn't have a lot of clerics, and virtually no paladins. Those few areas that relied on his clerics' aid for healthy harvest have become bitter and impoverished. Most of his ranger and druid followers have found a welcoming home with Dirj.


God of Sacrifice

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Light blue shield with a diagonal blood-red stripe
Colors: Light blue and blood red
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Charity, Protection, Sacrifice
Worshipers: Barbarians, Clerics, Fighters
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Courage, Good, Mysticism, Protection
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword

The god of self-sacrifice, Ruminis (roo-MIN-iss) is the champion of martyrs and protector of the weak. He often appears as a Mirbold in an ornate breast plate and with a shield that is his symbol.

Clergy and Temples
Embodying Runinis' ideals, the Holy Defenders (see Defender of Sealtiel, BED 58) are held in high esteem by the church for their protection.

Time Of Change
A defender without his armor or sword can not do his job. Same goes with the clerics and paladins of Ruminis that relied on his magic to aid them in defending the weak. Thus, uprisings and mobs could not be held back by Ruminis' followers as they tried to protect the churches of peace. True to their god's sprit, many of them have sacrificed their lives.


God of Justice

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A black shield with a gold dragon
Colors: Black and gold
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Justice, Retribution, Truth
Worshipers: Fighters, Monks, Paladins
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Balance, Inquisition, Law, Retribution
Favored Weapon: Longsword

The god of truth, Sangiban (SANG-ih-bahn) strives for fair trials and the elimination of the corrupt. When the worst injustices take place, Sangiban may show up as an Elf with golden eyes and hair, in black plate, carrying the shield that is his symbol.

Clergy and Temples
Deeply respected by the church, and feared by the corrupt, the Truth Seekers (see Church Inquisitor, CD 26) are champions of Sangiban dedicated to ferreting out lies and punishing wrong-doers.

Time Of Change
Suddenly unable to magically discern truth from lies, the Truth Seekers and other clerics of Sangiban found themselves no better at striving for justice than anyone else. With the uproar against the church of Haijisa and Dizga for feigning capability, the church of Sangiban came clean and stepped out of the spotlight of most governments. When the riots happened, they were safely in their cloisters, waiting for the chaos to die down. Many people espoused them as cowards and the lack of power in their paladins as proof.


God of Courage

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Tan lion's head on a field of red
Colors: Tan and red
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Discipline, Endurance, Valor
Worshipers: Paladins, Soldiers
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Competition, Courage, Law, Strength
Favored Weapon: Longsword

The god of bravery, Stalnor (STAHL-nohr) leads by his fearless example. He usually appears as a broad-shouldered catfolk with lion-like appearance, wearing gleaming red armor and wielding an ornate longsword.

Clergy and Temples
The elite warriors of Stalnor are known as the Fearless Swords (see Fist of Raziel, BED 63).

Time Of Change
A paladin without his paladin abilities is at least still capable of battle. For that reason, the followers of Stalnor weren't as bad off as the other religions that rely on their clerics. Feeling the loss of their god, many of the paladins swore to Jilis and have regained their glory.


God of the Wild

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Ivory fang or horn on a field of green
Colors: Ivory and green
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Instinct, Oozes, Wild Beasts
Worshipers: Barbarians, Druids, Mountain Giants, Lizardfolk
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Animal, Scaleykind, Slime, Spider
Favored Weapon: Great Axe

The Beast Lord, Talwerian (tahl-WARE-ee-an) takes on the creepy and deadly aspects of nature. He usually appears as a lizard folk covered in ooze and accompanied by a swarm of vermin.

Clergy and Temples
Among the most respected followers of Talwerian are the Vermin Lords (see BVD 73).

Time Of Change
Nearly all of Talwerian's clergy are druids, but those few that were clerics found themselves devoured by the vermin they once controlled. The rest continue on as a cult without a real god, drawing their power from nature.


Fisher King

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A bright blue fish on a sea blue field
Colors: Shades of blue
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Fishing, Sea Creatures
Worshipers: Fishermen, Shoreline People, Aventi, Tamen
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Animal, Creation, Ocean, Water
Favored Weapon: Trident

With the power of a blue whale and the energy of a hooked marlin, Tolondar (tolh-ON-dar) is the god of sea creatures. Protective but realistic, he recognizes the need for food that his charges fill. At the same time, Tolondar watches for cruelty or over hunting of his creatures. He usually appears as an Aventi wearing sharkskin armor, wielding a trident, and riding on the back of a great white.

Clergy and Temples
Among the most respected high priests are the Aquarians (see Swanmay, BED 76), known for their aptitude at dealing with marine life.

Time Of Change
The aventi have been greatly affected by the loss of their clerics, who were dedicated to Tolondar. The loss of ability to interact so seamlessly with the life of the seas has led to a national depression. The Aquarians have disappeared completely.


God of Strength

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: An iron oak tree
Colors: Dark brown and iron gray
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Armies, Strength, Tactics
Worshipers: Fighters, Mercenaries, Soldiers, Sand Giants, Hobgoblins
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN, N
Domains: Law, Strength, War, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Longsword

The god of armies and warriors, Urdak (urh-DAK) is all about military might. He usually appears on the field of battle as a hobgoblin in plate armor riding a dark brown charger. On his shield is a depiction of the iron oak tree that is his symbol. Usually he is accompanied by his own army of dedicated petitioners.

Through the order and training of an army, its strength is improved, and Urdak is the god of strength.

Clergy and Temples
Recognized by their god, the Ascendant Soldiers are potentially the most powerful crusaders alive.

Time Of Change
The Ascendant Soldiers were in battle when Urdak went away. This was their doom, as they suddenly lost their divine assistance. Some superstitious still say prayers to Urdak before battles, but most put more faith in their weapons.


Goddess of Righteousness

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Gray silhouette of a battleaxe on a field of brown split diagonally by red
Colors: Brown and red
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Honor, Retribution, Zeal
Worshipers: Barbarians, Fighters, Warrior-Clerics, Centaurs
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Good, Mysticism, Retribution, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe

As the god of zealotry, Victothus (vick-TOE-this) is somewhat of a mercenary that fights for any good cause if given enough of a reason. It is important to her that she can fight passionately, whatever the cause. Victothus appears as a Centaur with red and brown leather armor wielding two battleaxes.

Clergy and Temples
Chief among her followers are the Crusader Zealots (see Sanctified One of Kord, CC 99).

Time Of Change
The battle clerics and Crusader Zealots of Victothus have had a hard time adapting to the loss of their god. Many have lost their way and have fallen to thievery or alcoholism. The same spirit that made them righteous warriors is eating them up inside with feelings of failure and helplessness.


God of the Hunt

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Black wolf track on a forest green field
Colors: Black and forest green
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Hunting, Watchfulness
Worshipers: Hunters, Scouts, Rangers, Firbolgs, Forest Giants, Lupins
Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
Domains: Animal, Celerity, Fate, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Longbow

The god of the watch and the hunt, Vormalis (vohr-MAL-iss) holds tracking and scouting in high esteem. To him, it isn't the kill that matters, it is the patience and stalking, closing in and striking when the time is right. Vormalis normally appears as a Forest Giant with green and black leathers using arrows with green and black fletchings that are razor sharp.

Clergy and Temples
In the high ranks of the church are the hunter assassins known as the Black Hunters.

Time Of Change
The church of Vormalis has maintained its position within the Lupin and Forest Giant societies. Even without the presence of the god, it's teachings remain valid and its skill undiminished. Though no longer a formal group, the Black Hunters are still well respected.


God of Imprisonment

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Gray ball and chain shackle on a white field
Colors: Gray and white
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Containment, Fate, Slavery
Worshipers: Jailers, Slavers, Illithids
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Domination, Fate, Sloth, Summoner
Favored Weapon: Net

The creator of fate, Whenastil (wen-a-STILL) takes joy in imprisonment and slavery. He usually appears as whatever race he is appearing to, but always wears white robes with chains wrapped around him.

Clergy and Temples
Feared most among the clergy are the order known as Soul Binders, which take great delight in magical holds and bindings.

Time Of Change
The magical prisons of Whenastil failed when magic cut out, but his clerics were able to contain the problem. When his clerics also lost power, those that were to be held in were no longer able to be controlled. Slave revolts and jail breaks happened across the globe, resulting in the death of many of Whenastil's clergy. Those that survived have learned to rely more on mundane ways of keeping prisoners and slaves.


God of Bloodshed

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A bloody hand clawing at a black field
Colors: Pale yellow and blood red
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Killing, Murder, Slaughter
Worshipers: Barbarians, Mercenaries, Ettins, Fomorian Giants, Gnolls, Orcs, Trolls
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Destruction, Metal, Strength, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

Xilmor (ZILL-more), god of slaughter, delights in killing and bloodshed. Particularly, it seams, he enjoys the slaughter among Elves, though this may be due to his Orc heritage. Xilmor always appears as an Orc in bloody armor with numerous battle scars, including a missing eye. Everywhere he stands or steps, he leaves bloody boot prints.

Clergy and Temples
The most experienced crusaders of Xilmor are the Bloody Claws (see Eye of Gruumsh, BW 31), a group of merciless battlers that delight in the slaughter of elves in particular.

Time Of Change
The orcs became disheartened and then furious when their god Xilmor left them. At first they took it out on the weaker clergy, and then on their rulers. In the end, the orc kingdoms had splintered into warring tribes. The Blood Claws lead the strongest of the tribes.


God of Depths

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A black spiral on a deep blue field
Colors: Deep blue, often with black
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Cold, Deep Water, Whirlpools
Worshipers: Pirates, Aboleths
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Chaos, Cold, Ocean, Water
Favored Weapon: Shortspear

The god of the cold, dark ocean depths, Xolphiris (zohl-FEER-iss) is malicious and moody. He usually appears as an aboleth with extra long tentacles and patches of dark blue scales. On land he is forced to instead take on the appearance of a sea kin with dark blue hide and eyes as deep as the sea.

Clergy and Temples
A few followers take on aspects of their deity and join the order of Deep Guards.

Time Of Change
Most of the Deep Guard drowned when their god went away. Without Xolphiris to support them, her clergy was quickly made unimportant among the seafaring folk.


God of Perversion

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Bloody scalpel between a pair of dissected eyes, intentionally phallic in nature
Colors: Green, silver, and blood red
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Abuse, Torture
Worshipers: Bards, Mad Scientists, Zerns
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE, N
Domains: Domination, Evil, Madness, Suffering
Favored Weapon: Dagger

The God of Perversion, Yillik (YIHL-ik) is demented and sadistic, gaining pleasure from the torturing of others and the slow cutting of the flesh. He appears as a warped Zern wearing a bloody apron and gloves.

Clergy and Temples
As torture specialists and adepts of transmutation magic, the Transterrogators are looked upon with awe by other followers of Yillik.

Time Of Change
The followers of Yillik didn't need him to pursue their twisted agendas. The Transterrogators and his other clerics did, however. The immortal Riz came to them and recruited them to his way, and they followed easily with the promise of a twisted future.


Goddess of Knowledge, The Lore Incarnate

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Nondescript book with white pages on a parchment yellow background
Colors: White and parchment yellow
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Books, Knowledge, Teaching
Worshipers: Librarians, Wizards, Writers, Illumians
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN, N
Domains: Knowledge, Mentalism, Oracle, Rune
Favored Weapon: Dagger

The Lore Incarnate, Yixima (YIKS-ih-mah), is a patient and professor-like goddess. She appears as an illumian woman of small stature, wearing white robes and glasses, and carrying a satchel filled with books. Around her head are the power sigils "Uur" (grace) and "Naen" (mind).

Clergy and Temples
Although rarely part of the clergy, the Paragnostic Apostles (see Paragnostic Apostle, CC 94) are the preeminent scholars among the church.

Time Of Change
While most of the gods just vanished, their power with them, the clerics of Yixima felt a backlash when their goddess went away. Struck blind, the clerics have been outcast and impoverished. Many have committed suicide or died through other means. Out of duty, the Paragnostic Apostles that were wizards rather than clerics have taken up maintenance of the libraries.


God of the Moon, The Night Watchman

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A three-quarters moon
Colors: Pale yellow and grey
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Moon, Night
Worshipers: Lycanthropes, Nocturnal Creatures, Rangers, Rogues
Cleric Alignments: LE, N, NE, CE
Domains: Darkness, Evil, Moon, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Shortbow

The Night Watchman, Zirdanat (ZEER-din-at) is rumored to be the son of Pheron and Malgondis. He is a shrewd and vigilant god known to stir passions among those who worship or see him. When he appears, he is a lupin with flaxen fur and pale green eyes dressed in black leathers.

Clergy and Temples
During the day, the Howling Knights are capable warriors, but when the moon is out their divine rage is terrifying to behold.

Time Of Change
The first night after the fall of the gods, the moon didn't rise. Most passed this off as new moon, but many were more aware and new it to be unnatural. That night, a frenzy tore through lycanthropes, including lupins and the Howling Knights. When the blood settled and morning arrived, their numbers had been greatly reduced and they found themselves hunted across the countryside.


Goddess of Trickery

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A white arrow head on a light blue field
Colors: Light blue and white
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Humor, Tricks
Worshipers: Bards, Pranksters, Rogues
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG, N
Domains: Illusion, Liberation, Luck, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Dart

Zolfrin (ZOHL-frin) is a friendly, though sometimes irritating, goddess that loves to pull pranks. When she appears, she is a halfling wearing light blue wrappings carrying a wand with an arrow head on the tip.

Humor is important in life. You must be able to laugh not only at others, but at yourself as well. Pranks and jests can be a good thing, though be careful not to be mean. Proper tricks can actually improve trust between people and help form a closer relationship. It's good to help others to understand these things.

Clergy and Temples
The church of Zolfrin doesn't maintain any temples as most of its members don't have the attention span or capacity for paperwork required to run a building. Instead, individuals or communities may host shines to the goddess. Though the religion doesn't have temples, it does have structure, and the head of the church is the Supreme Enlightener. A month into the planting season, it is very common for communities to celebrate a holy day to Zolfrin where pranksters run amuck. It helps remind people to lighten up once in a while and is a excellent recruiting event for the church. Priests of Zolfrin tend to be clever and personable, often dedicating some of their studies to illusions. Chief among the goddess' followers are the Favored Shades (see Sanctified One of Olidammara, CC 99), an order of stealthy and lucky champions. Clerics of Zolfrin pray for their spells just before evening, as that is usually the beginning of time dedicated to merriment.

Time Of Change
The loss of Zolfrin destroyed the loose structure that was her church. Her teachings have continued, and the Spring Fools Day still is celebrated commonly.


Not caring much for civilization, Balm didn't go out of his way to get new followers. Still, he accepted any from Exolindius, Heimeus, Inunallah, Kupria, Kolinbar, Omethis, Opherus, or Xolphiris that asked for his aid.

Dirj is a caring god and actively had his followers offer aid to any elf in need, or any follower of Faiisbar, Haijisa, Pheron, Redomel, Talwerian, or Tolondar. Through this, many common-folk have converted to workshiping Dirj.

The Brothers and Sisters of Freedom were dispatched by Jahnian the first moment possible after the loss of the other gods. His followers helped to protect any church that need it, with particular interest in the followers of Demos, Holontier, Norral, and Pariontor.

Jilis found herself preoccupied by the new gods and was taken aback by the intensity of the backlash against the clerics of the former gods of good. Her help was too slow for the clergy of Femola and Cilinda, and those of Ruminis were too stubborn and ready to sacrifice their lives. The churches of Sangiban and Victothus were too absorbed in self-pity to accept aid, but the paladins of Stalnor gladly took her help.

With magic already in chaos, and Yixima having been destroyed, Morn found herself hesitant to get involved in the mortal upheavals with her already small group of followers. She worked silently through dreams and pulled the remaining followers of Chihare, Ledorian, Yixima, and Zolfrin to her.

The church of Nar-Ikvar has always been powerful and busy. While he didn't try to aid the churches of Anadil, Avalon, or Gil, Nar-Ikvar worked to fill the gap left by their collapses. With the undead plague, his followers took clear leadership in the fight against the menace.

The followers of Merran, Egrolius, and Iomilia got immediate and unexpected support from the church of Nurbias. Most of the time the fact that the support came from Nurbias was hidden and it took a long time for many of those followers to actually convert.

With the upheaval, Sazia made out well. Followers from Benesius, Canluth, Desela, Dahjihai, Erimeth, Gorhal, Malgondis, Qolgorital, Whenastil, Xilmor, and Zirdanat all proved easy converts. She even sent out demons and devils to establish pacts with the followers of the good gods that had lost their way.

Not interested in the politics, but disturbed by the poorly orchestrated warring, Wick started to get directly involved. He not only sent his church to aid and recruit from the followers of Dizga, Kazt, Lamtorak, Vormalis, and Urdak, but he spent a great deal of time marching in the world himself.

It was during the celebration for the rise of a new honorable king in a small northern kingdom that the first followers of Ahma-Buddha came to be. The champions of Iomillia and Demos were the most powerful of the early converts. As wars continued and parties took place before and after the fights, the new god found ample opportunity to spread the word and to offer people the chance to win his favor.

Yatta yatta yatta... Borlandir ...something something someting.

Worship of Illaron was slow to take hold. During times of great strife the populous has more wories than personal expression. However, his teachings took hold among the young, and as generations grew up and bore more young, his influence spread. After decades, his church had a strong foothold, particularly in dense population areas.

During a great battle the flying ship that is central to Jak's church was seen for the first time, floating over head. The armies stopped and stared, as a single gold coin fell from the sky. A soldier from one side picked it up and the army from the other side suddenly turned into rabbits and hens. It was from that winning army that Jak's first followers came. As the story spread, so did his influence. Combined with a ready supply of gamblers, the church grew and prospered.

Jaringan replaced Haijisa as the god of the sun, and did so with great furvor and more power. The delay between his rise and her fall, however, was long enough for great distruction to take place and a horde of undead to amass. Such was the conditions, that the peoples' acceptance of his glory was swift and his church rose to power quickly.


The Time of Change saw the rise and fall of many major organizations. This section describes the most important ones and their impact on the world.

The Magecrafters

The world-wide corporation of the Magecrafters has maintained a stranglehold on magical item creation, trading, and sales for many a century. They have a fairly nepotistic hiring tendency and recruit students for their Magecrafter University when they are in their early teens. Once a student enrolls in the university, they are a Magecrafter for life. The corporation has maintained strict contracts with very talented assassins to see that that is the case. The university itself was in the city of Elderstone on the southern tip of the Magic Mountains. Their world headquarters lies in the city of Fohkal on the eastern shore of the Eastern Straight. The other facility of importance was at an undisclosed location, which was under the city of Og and protected through pacts with the ogre titan, Ashon.

When the magic cornerstone of the prime material plane was destroyed, magic went away. This meant all the Magecrafters' items lost their magic, all their stores lost communication and travel capability (which was through magic items), and their main facilities lost their magical protections. They lost their inventory, their power, and their protection. And then their vault under Og was raided by a powerful group of rogues and assassins, led by a ferocious front line of mercenaries. The artifacts held there were stolen, eliminating any potential of the Magecrafters recovering.

In the 250 years since the fall of the Magecrafters, most of their secrets have been lost. The knowledge of creating magic items has been spread, though only a few families maintain the actual skills of the original group.

The Eldritch Order

At the start of the Time of Change, an order of arcane caster rose up. Sponsored by the 17 greatest casters in the world, it grew very fast and very powerful. They recruited in nearly every city and amassed a membership in the thousands. As a learning institution and advisory group they were unmatched. On the day the magic cornerstone was destroyed separate meetings had been called for by each of the 17 towers, in secret. This resulted in nearly all of the membership being present in the tower at the time magic disappeared. At that moment, traps were sprung and an assault was initiated. With no escape, and all magical protections down, the members of the Eldritch Order were slaughtered.

The loss of so many arcane casters rocked nations around the world. The dependency on magic was so high, that its loss was devastating. Cities were left without magical protections and warning systems. Armies were left without fast communications or firepower support. This is without even thinking about the vast amount of knowledge that had been snuffed out. Combined with the loss of divine magic that followed, the Time of Change left the world in a dark age.

The Brass Mercenaries

The Brass Mercenaries are a world-wide legion of adventurers, led by the immortal Mira-Dani. The legion was founded at the beginning of the Time of Change as an organization to support adventurers by offering training, brotherhood, equipment, housing, and work. Many major cities in the world are home to a Brass Barracks where members can find these things. Shortly after the fall of magic, the Brass Mercenaries undertook a number of dangerous jobs which proved fatal to a lot of members. By the time the gods vanished, morale was low and the organization had lost over half its number from deaths, and many more from desertion. That was when Mira-Dani took control as Supreme Commander and reinvigorated the group. Since then, the Brass Mercenaries have grown in size and status, fighting in many of the national conflicts that have risen due to the failures of the churches.

The Sapphire Knights

Originally intended to be the most powerful knighthood in the world, the Sapphire Knights maintain strict codes of conduct and a military hierarchy. It was founded at the start of the Time of Change with a substantial financial backing from unknown sources. It accepted anyone, as long as they were willing to follow the rules, and became a collection of troops with some troops tending toward good and honor, and others demonstrating merciless slaughter. A civil war erupted in the Sapphire Knights shortly before the gods disappeared. Good knights fought against evil knights and thousands were killed before the leaders of the strife accepted defeat and were then killed. Fragments of the Sapphire Knights continue to remain, holding outposts or acting as guard for churches or nobles. They are no longer centralized and each troop often has its own heraldry worked into the main symbol of the knighthood.

The Shades Elite

Among the underbelly of society, the Shades Elite are talked about with reverence. Formed near the beginning of the Time of Change, the group is a world-wide crime syndicate, involved with every type of crime imaginable. During the fall of magic, it is said that the Shades Elite were responsible for destroying the Magecrafters. They are also credited with every high profile assassination in the last 250 years. Their leader is said to be the immortal Tepilmurae, a doppelganger who is impossible to track and who wields at least two artifacts. Though cells are occasionally routed out by authorities, no real progress has been made by nations trying to eliminate the group. To its members, the Shades Elite offers alibis, escapes, training, support, contacts, fencing, backup, and opportunities not available elsewhere.

The Planes

During the Time of Change, most of the planes of existence were sealed off from the world through manipulation of Planar Cornerstones. While not directly affecting most people, there were several important effects on Portrandi. First, since the beginning of time there have been planar gateway affects that arrive on Change Day each year. This had become an annual holiday for many nations, with prayers to get good energies or to remove bad energies. With the planes sealed off, these areas of planar energies stopped happening. Change Day became a thing of the past.

Less noticeable to the main populace, but still vitally important, was that planar travel was one way. This meant that powerful adventurers that might have been able to help during the chaos after the gods went away, often found themselves trapped on another plane, unable to go back to the prime material. This also meant that elementals and planar enties couldn't be summoned. Many conveniences relied on elementals.

Over the course of the few years following the day the gods disappeared, followers of Balm returned the cornerstones of the inner planes, reopening them. Other planes also were reopened, usually led by followers of one of the gods, and after nearly 200 years, all of the planes have been reopened.


One of the critical points of the Time of Change was the destruction of the Material Planar Cornerstone of Magic. This resulted in the disenchanting of magic items and severe limitations on persistent magics, including those used to create undead and golems. A new stone was created, but it took time for that stone to gain enough power for people to even begin noticing. Over the past 250 years, magic has regained most of its power, though longer magic spells sometimes act uncontrollably. During the creation of a magic item adverse affects can usually be avoided, but when casting normal spells it takes a powerful caster to ensure that a long spell will last its full duration and not harm those it was intended to benefit.

Shortly after the disappearance of the gods, the church of Sazia began distributing magical items apparently created by their goddess. This gave her church great advantage in the ensuing chaos. This began to be countered by the church of Jilis producing their own magical items. This magical item war was the beginning of the resurgence of magical crafting. Since then, small mageware shops have been established in most major cities, offering item bartering or creation.

The Immortals

Part way through the Time of Change, five powerful creatures became known to the world. These immortals wielded great power, rivaling the titans. Each of them has had a unique impact on Portrandi.

The yuan-ti Mira-Dani took control of the Brass Mercenaries as Supreme Commander. Though unpredictable and violent, she has led the legion to growth and many victories.

One known as Tepilmurae, said to be a doppelganger, is leading they crime syndicate called The Shades Elite. His influence appears to extend everywhere, but it doesn't seem that he's interested in conquering nations.

Wenlakhulan, the immortal beholder, has been the bane of many adventurers. He has taken control over the city Hive and commands his beholder minions to perform raids on the countryside.

The illithid Cerephorian is known to have allied with the underworld titan Iorhurst and rules over the city Illith. His minions prowl the underworld and occassionally make surface raids to get slaves.

The Transterrogators of Yillik found a savior in the immortal zern Riz when their god went away. He has faught back the killoren and refounded the city of Transia in the Dark Forest.

The Racial Capital Cities

The city of Aasim, a glorious place of gold an ivory, was home to the aasimars. During the Great Crusade, the city populace changed and diversified to all sorts of good-natured people. The royal house was still aasimar.

The city of Aerion, a castle and several keeps on top of the largest of solid clouds, is home to the cloud giants. They have an alliance with the silver dragons who live inside the cloud.

The city of Amethyst, a series of gem-encrusted caverns in the underworld, is home to the amethyst dragons. They maintain a blood-feud with the sapphire dragons on the other side of the world.

The city of Apex, a sprawling stone city at the top of the lost mountains, is home to the mountain giants. They were briefly involved in a fight against the gnolls, but returned to their city for solitude.

The city of Arcanis, a magical city that hid itself at the top of the Adaman Mountains, is home to the eldritch giants.

The city of Asherat, a sandstone marvel below the center of the largest desert, is home to the asheratis.

The city of Aven, with buildings of pearl and located just off the continental shelf in the Extulic Ocean, was home to the aventi. It was destroyed when an earthquake broke the continental shelf, which also caused a huge tsunami.

The city of Bhuk, an adobe complex along all sides of a desert mountain, is home to the bhukas.

The city of Black, a twisted cave complex in the poison swamp, is home to the black dragons.

The city of Blue, a cave complex beneath the northern desert, was home to the blue dragons. This city was destroyed during the hight of the Dragon War.

The city of Boletia, made of blue marble and located at the deepest part of the deepest ocean, is home to the aboleths.

The city of Boulder, built into the sides of a massive cavern under the burning mountains, was home to the stonechildren. During the aftermath of the Great Crusade, the illithids infiltrated the city and took control of it. They enslaved many of the stonechildren and stole the city of Boulder.

The city of Brass, a gigantic fortress with brass-colored marble located in the southern desert, was home to the brass dragons. This city was destroyed during the hight of the Dragon War.

The city of Bronze, a massive cave complex in hills overlooking the Planethic Ocean, is home to the Bronze Dragons.

The city of Buhg, a fortress built in the Central Mountains, was home to the bugbears.

The city of Centrus, a natural formation of trees and streams in the Verdant Forest, was home to the centaurs. It was destroyed by green dragons during the Dragon War.

The city of Copper, the largest dungeon in the world, placed in the Dragon Hills, is home to the copper dragons.

The city of Crystal, an ice castle and surrounding city on the peak of the largest arctic mountain, was home to the crystal dragons.

The city of Darfell, a coastal city of bamboo, was home to the darfellans. The city was destroyed when a strange plague struck the waters around the city and the lands took to sickness. The darfellans fled in search of food.

The city of Doppel, a magical place of varying form located on lush plains, was home to the doppelgangers. It was conquered during the Great Crusade and became a diverse city, ruled over by a royal family of aasimars.

The city of Durm, a cave complex built along the side of the great glacier mountain, is home to the dirmu.

The city of Dwar, a marvelous stone complex under the Iron Mountains, is home to the dwarves.

The city of Eli, a nest of trees and nature, is home to the elves.

The city of Emerald, a bowl-shaped city built into the cone of the largest dormant volcano, is home to the emerald dragons.

The city of Et, a fortified wooden marvel in the Frozen Hills, was home to the ettins. During a mighty avalanche, the city was destroyed.

The city of Falspir, a spiraling tower city at the top of the Blue Mountains, is home to the raptorians.

The city of Fauna, a natural city in the White Forest, was home to the satyrs. It was destroyed by Green armies during the Dragon War, in their attempt to conquer more lands.

The city of Fenin, a silken tent city on the tropic plains, is home to the Catfolk.

The city of Fir, a castle and city nestled in the Burning Hills, was home to the firbolg. The city was destroyed by the mirbold and a titan during the Burning Hills War.

The city of Fomoria, a cave complex in the western underworld, was home to the fomorians. A mysterious plague led to the giants abandoning their city. Years later, the city was retaken by the underfolk.

The city of Gno, a fortified wooden city in the Lost Foothills, was home to the gnolls. The city was open to all sorts of scum. During the Lost Mountains Massacre, the city was conquered by a powerful pirate band and a platoon of mountain giants.

The city of Gob, a complex jungle dungeon, was home to the goblins. Over the centuries, hobgoblins muscled their way into controlling the city.

The city of Gold, a castle and surrounding city in the eastern foothills, is home to the gold dragons.

The city of Green, a moss covered cave series under the great forest, was home to the green dragons. This city was destroyed during the hight of the Dragon War.

The city of Hadoz, a floating city in the Planethic Ocean, was home to the hadozee. When a titan showed up one day and was denied entrance due to his size and fear he would sink the city, the titan raged on the city, sinking it.

The city of Hafle, a hillside city in the Rolling Fields, was home to the halflings. During the First Ogre War, the city was abandoned as the populace was scattered. Eventually, it was taken over by monsters.

The city of Hive, with dozens of exits throughout the base of a mighty mountain, is home to the beholders.

The city of Hob, a fortified jungle complex, is home to the hobgoblins.

The city of Home, a cave city deep in the underworld, is home to the underfolk.

The city of Illith, a living city of tentacles in the Broken Waste, was home to the illithids. During the Great Crusade, they city was razed completely.

The city of Illum, a massive library colony on the eastern coast, was home to the illumians. During the Illumian Civil War, the city was burned to the ground by the magical fighting.

The city of Killoria, a natural city in the dark forest, was home to the killoren. During the Bleeding Tree War, the city was lost to zern armies. The zerns warped and polluted the city's natural beauty and then went into hiding, leaving their abominations and experiments to lord over the city's remains.

The city of Kob, a complex series of caves in the Iron Mountains, is home to the kobalds.

The city of Kreen, built of tunnels under the Southern Desert, was home to the thri-kreen. It was destroyed during the Purple Worm Invasion.

The city of Logos, a wooden city in the middle of the elm forest, is home to the forest giants.

The city of Lupa, a wooden city at the edge of the Verdant Forest, was home to the lupins. In an attempt to destroy an infestation of werewolves that had taken over the city, the lupins razed it.

The city of Metea, a carved stone city deep in the heart of the Eastern Mountains, Is home to the stone giants.

The city of Minos, an underground labyrinth, is home to the minotaurs.

The city of Mir, a fortified stone city in the Burning Hills, was home to the mirbolds. At the end of the Burning Hills War, the city was destroyed by the same titan that helped the mirbold destroy Fir.

The city of Mir-Anik, a massive hive inside a solid cloud, is home to the tik-ani.

The city of Mith, a shelf city in the Blue Mountains, was home to the goliaths. After the Great Crusade, black dragons retaliated against the goliaths for their role in the crusade, destroying Mith.

The city of Monashin, a one-building city atop Frozen Mountain cliffs, was home to the widdershin. At the start of the Dragon War, a group of vengeful halflings lead a flight of white dragons against the city, destroying it.

The city of Mortentia, a huge city of obsidian in the Broken Waste, was home to the death giants. It was captured during the Great Crusade and passed to the hands of a titan.

The city of Musgil, a magical city with floating buildings at the equatorial/meridian mark, is home to the musgraves.

The city of Mycon, a simple huge cavern deep under the Inland Ocean, is home to the Myconid.

The city of Nosep, a magical city on a peninsula where the Extulic Ocean and Rollonic Ocean meet, is home to the spellscales.

The city of Oasis, a gigantic sandstone keep in the Great Desert, is home to the sand giants.

The city of Oceanus, a city built on the Great Reef, was home to the ocean giants. Over decades, feuds led to most families moving out of the city and building their own undersea mansions. This left the city undefended when the Kraken attacked, and the city was destroyed.

The city of Og, a fortified brick city in the Rolling Fields, is home to the ogres. During the Second Ogre War, the city was captured by the mysterious new ogre magi and an ogre titan.

The city of Orcus, a clay city at the surface of the underworld, is home to the orcs.

The city of Picade, made of coral and close to the surface of the Rollonic Ocean, is home to the taman.

The city of Pix, a natural city grown into the thick western section of the Verdant Forest, is home to the pixies.

The city of Polaris, a ice castle at the north pole, is home to the frost giants.

The city of Red, a red-stone gigantic castle surrounded by volcanic rivers, was home to the red dragons. The city was destroyed during the Dragon War by a united force of gold dragons and emerald dragons.

The city of Rolakis, a stone city in the foothills of the Iron Mountains, was home to the hill giants. Fights between hill giant clans led to the destruction of the city.

The city of Sapphire, a vertical series of caverns on the opposite side of the world from Amethyst, is home to the sapphire dragons.

The city of Sekon, a sprawling tent city in the Great Desert, was home to the sun giants. It was mysteriously struck by a year-long arctic blizzard with constant snow fall and hurricane force winds. The sun giants fled the area and the city was erased by the storm.

The city of Sestra, a massive city on the floor of Inland Ocean, was home to the storm giants. Two factions of storm giants developed over the centuries, ones who like their ocean home, and others who wanted to rule over land. A civil war fueled by mighty storm giant wizards led to the destruction of Sestra and the shattering of much of the sea bed.

The city of Sharak, a clay city built into the side of the Abyssal Trench, was home to the sharakim. It was conquered during the Great Crusade, looted, and abandoned. Over years it became a monster haven.

The city of Siljin, a smooth city with rounded buildings and pathways in the tropic marsh, was home to the yuan-ti. During the Dragon War, the yuan-ti were mistaken for dragon-kin and Siljin was sacked. The snake people retreated below the ruins and rebuilt their city below the surface.

The city of Silver, an enormous cavern structure in the largest of solid clouds, is home to the silver dragons.

The city of Spira, a wondrous place with iron and crystal towers, was home to the gnomes. It was severely damaged by the tsunami that occurred when Aven was destroyed. Later, fearing encroaching armies and wars throughout the world, the gnomes experimented with a weapon of unseen power. It detonated in the last days of their work, resulting in the complete destruction of Spira and contamination of the surrounding area.

The city of Tide, a cliff-side partially submerged city on the Lific Sea, is home to the sea kin.

The city of Tief, built of volcanic rock and at the base of the Abyssal Trench, was home to the tieflings. During the Great Crusade the city was captured, looted, and abandoned. At the start of the Avatar Wars, fiends claimed the city as theirs.

The city of Togrim, a blue city on the Golden Fields, was home to the skulks. It was destroyed by Silver armies during the Dragon War.

The city of Topaz, a massive cave complex built into the wall of a deep ocean trench, is home to the topaz dragons.

The city of Transia, a continually morphing city of living matter in the Dark Forest, was home to the zerns. It was destroyed by killoren armies during the Bleeding Tree War.

The city of Triliak, a mixed cave and stone building city in the White Mountains, was home to the trolls. During the Northern Ice War, the frost giants destroyed the city.

The city of Trog, feeling like a sewer complex under the great delta, was home to the troglodytes. The elemental Tempest appeared over Trog, destroying the unprotected city.

The city of Uld, an ice hive built into the glacial ice of the south pole, was home to the uldra. The elemental Tempest shattered the glacial ice, collapsing and burying the city.

The city of Vilek, a raised city in the Ghost Swamp, is home to the lizardfolk.

The city of Vulash, a castle and fortified city in the Volcanic Wastes, is home to the fire giants.

The city of White, a wide carved cavern on the west side of the Great Glacier, is home to the white dragons.

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