"Quite simply, this will make your life easier.
It is an investment in survival." -- Magecrafter Endocani
A world-wide corporation more than simply a guild, the Magecrafters maintain a monopoly on magic item creation. While there are non-Magecrafters working within the company, only the Magecrafters know the secret recipes and can make things efficiently. Dedicated to creation of items, Magecrafters don't get spells for casting purposes like other magic classes, though they learn special tricks that take the form of spell-like abilities. BECOMING A MAGECRAFTER Being a Magecrafter takes knowledge of the world of magic, so obviously spell-casting classes tend to be the most prolific Magecrafters. Still, anyone with sufficient knowledge can enter into the ranks, so anyone with appropriate dedication can enter. Unlike other prestige classes, the Magecrafter class is intended to work as a base class as well, and to facilitate this contains a set of "Apprentice" levels that can be taken to allow quick access to becoming a Magecrafter. Entry Requirements Alignment: Must be Lawful. Special: Must be hired by the Magecrafters.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Magecrafter Apprentices are proficient with the club, dagger, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Alertness (Ex): At level 1, a Magecrafter Apprentice gains the Alertness feat as a bonus feat. They are trained to be weary of their surroundings. Diligent (Ex): At level 2, a Magecrafter Apprentice gains the Diligent feat as a bonus feat. They are taught about various products. Negotiator (Ex): At level 3, a Magecrafter Apprentice gains the Negotiator feat as a bonus feat. They are trained in dealing with customers. Entry Requirements Alignment: Must not be chaotic. Skills: 6 ranks Knowledge (arcana). Special: Must be hired by the Magecrafters.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Magecrafters gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Spellcasting: A Magecrafter only casts spells when crafting magic items and is only limited by the number of items he can create in a day. At first level the Magecrafter mush choose to know arcane or divine spells. If he knows arcane spells, his available spells to be learned are drawn from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell lists initially. If he knows divine spells, his available spells to be learned are drawn from the Cleric and Druid spell lists initially. Available spells may be increased by other class features. In order to learn a spell, a Magecrafter must have a Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. At each new Magecrafter level, the character gains one or more new spells, as indicated on the table. The number of spells a Magecrafter knows is not affected by his Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom scores. Magecrafters are not traditional spellcasters, and therefore knowing Magecrafter spells doesn't meet any standard spellcasting prerequisites. Bonus Feat (Ex): At first level, a Magecrafter gains a bonus Item Creation Feat. Each three levels, starting at third, an additional bonus item creation feat is learned. For purposes of meeting prerequisites, the Magecrafter's caster level is twice his class level plus his highest caster level from another class. Item Creation (Su): Magecrafters can attempt to create any magic item for which they have the appropriate spells, components, and item creation feats. This process doesn't require experience, and in fact gains the Magecrafter experience matching a Challenge Rating equal to twice the highest level of spell used in the creation. The Magecrafter's caster level for the purposes of creating magic items is equal to twice his class level plus his highest caster level from another class. For example, a Magecrafter could attempt to create a Ring of Shooting Stars as long as they have the Forge Ring feat, the spells light, faerie fire, fireball, and lightning bolt as spells known, 50000gp to invest in materials, and is at least a 6th level Magecrafter. Doing this takes the standard amount of time and the skill check is standard, but the character would gain experience for overcoming a CR 6 encounter. Multi-talented: A character can go through the Magecrafter prestige class any number of times, and does not have to complete all 10 levels before staring an additional time. For example, a character could go to level 4 as an arcane Magecrafter, and then take a level as a level 1 divine Magecrafter. Identification (Sp): A Magecrafter can use identify as the spell, but casting time is reduced to 10 minutes and no material component is required. At first level this can be used once per day. This increases by two uses per day every two levels (3 at 3rd, 5 at 5th, etc.). Magecrafter Sight (least) (Sp): At second level, a Magecrafter learns to use detect magic as the spell, but without any verbal or somatic components. This can be used at will. Domain Mastery (Ex): Through meditation and discipline, the Magecrafter can master cleric domains. Each time this class feature is gained, the character must choose two cleric domains. All spells listed in these domains are added to the caster's spell list for determining what spells are available to learn. Spell level restrictions apply normally. These spells are considered divine, regardless of whether the character is an arcane or divine Magecrafter. The character doesn't gain any other benefits from the domains and is not considered to have the domains for purposes of meeting prerequisites. Magecrafter Sight (lesser) (Sp): At fourth level, a Magecrafter learns to use arcane sight as the spell, but without any verbal or somatic components, and the character's eyes don't glow. This can be used at will. School Mastery (Ex): Through study and practice, the Magecrafter can master a school of magic. Each time this class feature is gained, the character must choose one school of magic (abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation). All spells of this school, regardless of whether divine or arcane, are added to the character's spell list for determining what spells are available to learn. Spell level restrictions apply normally. These spells are considered arcane, regardless of whether the character is an arcane or divine Magecrafter. Magecrafter Sight (minor) (Sp): At sixth level, a Magecrafter learns to use greater arcane sight as the spell, but without any verbal or somatic components, and the character's eyes don't glow. This can be used at will. Magecrafter Sight (greater) (Sp): At eight level, a Magecrafter learns to use analyze dweomer as the spell, but without any verbal, somatic, or focus components. This can be used at will. PLAYING A MAGECRAFTER You are part of an elite corporation spanning the globe, dedicated to the creation and selling of magical items. If you're a people person, you likely work as a merchant. There tends to be only a couple of merchants per city, though. Most other Magecrafters are dedicated to the art of creation. Understanding the nuances of magic and its interaction with physical materials intrigues you. You are happy to spend hours cooped up in a workshop, perfecting your craft. Combat Magecrafters are not made for combat. Any Magecrafter that is at all likely to encounter combat is likely equipped with magical items to help him survive. In combat his goal is to survive and make sure the merchandise isn't stolen. Advancement Magecrafters get access to spells of higher level much more quickly than standard casting classes. They also have their pick of a very large number of spells, from both divine and arcane sources. It is not uncommon for a Magecrafter to take a second run at this prestige class to benefit from as much of the options available as possible. Resources A Magecrafter is part of one of the most powerful organizations in the world. To make enemy with one Magecrafter shop is likely to find yourself blacklisted across the globe. As powerful merchants, the company is also capable of hiring adventurers to protect or hunt those that have wronged the company. All that said, the lower in the ranks you are, the less likely you'll be to get any substantial support. MAGECRAFTERS IN THE WORLD Magecrafters are designed with a particular world setting in mind: a world where magic item creation is severely controlled. Magecrafters are well known in any urban setting, though commoners likely have little use for the expensive goods available at a Magecrafter shop. Organization The Magecrafters are an international corporation consisting of independently operated Magecrafter shops. The lowest level worker is the identifier, responsible for verifying magic items. Often interchanged with the identifier is the craftsman, dedicated to making items. Both of these positions answer to a shift manager, who in turn answers to a shop keeper. The shop keeper is the highest official at the local level. Above the shop keeper is a regional manager with independent operations for caravans, communications, and training. The regional office is always located in a major city and usually covers an area of about 1000 miles diameter. The national office is the umbrella organization for all the Magecrafter regions. Here there are the Chief Finance Officer (runs the department of finances), the Chief Personnel Officer (runs the department of personnel), the Chief Inventory Officer (runs the department of inventory management), and the Chief Executive Officer (the head of the company). All Magecrafters are trained at regional training centers. NPC Reactions As merchants, Magecrafters tend to be friendly but always looking to make some gold. Almost no one is hostile towards Magecrafters as they are a neutral organization with considerable power. MAGECRAFTER LORE Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (local) can research Magecrafters. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including the information from lower DCs. Knowledge (arcana) DC 10: Magecrafters are spellcasters and merchants dedicated to creation and selling of magic items. DC 15: Magecrafters are capable of making both divine and arcane magic items and have special skills at identifying items. DC 20: Magecrafters can't actually cast magic, but their access to spells is enormous. They can often discern magical properties with just a glance. DC 30: Magecrafters have access to magic much more powerful than typical for their level. Their attunement with the magical item creation process causes the energy to not be draining on them like other spellcasters. Knowledge (local) DC 10: You can find the local Magecrafter or know if there isn't one. Magecrafters are world-wide guild of merchants that sell magic items. DC 15: Each local Magecrafter shop operates independently, but ties into the global structure. You can identify a shop keeper verses an underling. Magecrafters often hire adventurers to get items or material components. DC 20: Magecrafters have private training facilities in nearly every region of the world. They are a powerful neutral organization that sells to both good and evil customers. You can learn the names of the chief officers of the corporation. The actively persecute non-Magecrafters that make magic items. DC 30: Magecrafters track all purchases and sales, and maintain records on all customers. Part of the corporation is dedicated to hunting enemies of the company as well as artifacts. MAGECRAFTERS IN THE GAME Magecrafters that come up during normal adventuring are nearly always urban merchant NPCs. Adaptation This class could be altered to a church-oriented organization that makes holy relics. Even in a world where item creation isn't restricted, the Magecrafters are likely to be on top of the market due to their organization and cheaper creation methods. |