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The following races are available to players. Additional races, primarily for DM reference, are available here.

"Good Guys"
Languages             Speakers
"Bad Guys"
Languages             Speakers
Languages             Speakers
Celestial Angels Abyssal Demons Aquan Water Elementals
Celestial, Aasim Aasimars Draconic, Black Black Dragons Asherati Asheratis
Centaurian Centaurs Draconic, Blue Blue Dragons Auran Air Elementals
Darfellan Darfellans Draconic, Green Green Dragons Boletian Aboleths
Draconic, Brass Brass Dragons Draconic, Kob Kobolds Dirmu Dirmu
Draconic, Bronze Bronze Dragons Draconic, Red Red Dragons Doppelian Doppelgangers
Draconic, Copper Copper Dragons Draconic,Vilek Lizardfolk Draconic Dragons
Draconic, Gold Gold Dragons Draconic, White White Dragons Draconic, Amethyst Amethyst Dragons
Draconic, Nosep Spellscales Giant, Et Ettins Draconic, Arcane Magic
Draconic, Silver Silver Dragons Giant, Fomoria Fomorian Giants Draconic, Crystal Crystal Dragons
Dwarven Dwarves Giant, Mortentia Death Giants Draconic, Emerald Emerald Dragons
Elven Elves Giant, Og Ogres Draconic, Sapphire Sapphire Dragons
Falspiran Raptorans Giant, Polaris Frost Giants Draconic, Topaz Topaz Dragons
Feninese Catfolk Giant, Rolakis Hill Giants Giant Giants
Giant, Aerion Cloud Giants Giant, Sekon Sun Giants Giant, Apex Mountain Giants
Giant, Oasis Sand Giants Giant, Triliak Trolls Giant, Arcanis Eldritch Giants
Giant, Sestra Storm Giants Giant, Vulash Fire Giants Giant, Fir Firbolgs
Gnomish Gnomes Gnollish Gnolls Giant, Logos Forest Giants
Goblin, Bhuka Bhukas Goblin Goblins Giant, Metea Stone Giants
Hadozian Hadozee Goblin, Buhg Bugbears Giant, Oceanus Ocean Giants
Haflish Halflings Goblin, Hob Hobgoblins Hivish Beholders
Illumian Illumians Illithian Illithids Ignan Fire Elementals
Lupin Lupins Infernal Devils Kreenian Thri-Kreen
Miric Mirbolds Infernal, Tief Tieflings Sylvan Nature
Mithic Goliaths Minotaur Minotaurs Sylvan, Fauna Satyrs
Musgilian Musgraves Orcish Orcs Sylvan, Killoren Killoren
Orcish, Sharak Sharakim Siljinese Yuan-ti Sylvan, Pix Pixies
Picadian Tamen Togrimic Skulks Sylvan, Uld Uldra
Sylvan, Treant Treants Transic Zerns Terran Earth Elementals
Widder Widdershins Troglish Troglodytes Tik-Anese Tik-Ani
        Titan Titans
        Trade Land Dwellers
        Trade, Sea Sea Dwellers
        Trade, Underworld Underworld Dwellers

Note: Abilities marked with a type of (In) are "Inherent" abilities, to be distinguished from Exceptional, Spell-like, and Supernatural abilities. When dealing with things such as polymorph, (In) abilities are gained automatically, even if (Ex) abilities aren't.

Asherati (Asheratis)- Sandstorm page 37

Lithe sand-dwelling people.

Location: Towns and cities below the surface of any sandy wasteland.

Medium Size

Humanoid (Asherati)

30' Base Speed

Body Lamp(Su): At will, an asherati can make his skin glow as a bright light out to 60'. In loose soil the light allows the asherati to see vague solid objects up to 60' away, sufficient for navigation and general identification. This doesn't allow the asherati to see invisible or concealed creatures more easily than normal. Only the asherati using this power can see by it while in loose soil. Once per day, this power can be used as a free action to dazzle all creatures within 30 feet for 1 minute (Fort save DC 10 + ½ the asherati's character level + Charisma modifier to negate). While glowing, the asherati can't use the Hide skill.

Heat Endurance(Ex): Asheratis gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat.

Natural Dryness(In): Asheratis need to drink one-quarter the amount of water per day that humanoids of their size normally require.

Sandswim(Su): An asherati can swim through sand, ash, dust, and softsand at his land speed while wearing light armor or carrying a light load. While wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load, this speed drops to 5 feet. Heavier armor or loads prevent sandswim. The asherati can also breath normally while swimming in this way.

Sneaky(Ex): Asheratis gain a +2 racial bonus on Move Silently checks and Hide checks. If in a sandy area, an asherati receives an additional +2 racial bonus on Hide checks.

Tough Hide(In): Asheratis gain a +1 natural armor bonus.

Water Vulnerability(In): If completely wet, an asherati take a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks. If an asherati is immersed in water, he can't hold his breath and must immediately begin making Constitution checks to avoid drowning.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): Eagle's claws are treated as martial weapons.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Asherati

Bonus Languages: Draconic, Giant, Bhuka Goblin, Kreenian

Favored Class: Rogue

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

20 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

45 62 89 +3d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 5'0" +2d10" 70lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'9" +2d10" 65lb. x(2d4)lb.

Aventi (Aventi)- Stormwrack page 34

Honorable and adventurous sea folk.

Location: Enclaves in keeps deep under the oceans.

Medium Size

Humanoid (Aquatic, Human): Aquatic creatures can breath water but not air, unless they also have the amphibious ability

30' Base Land and Swim Speed: Aventi receive a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks and can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered.

Amphibious(In): Aventi can breath water or air equally well.

Water Spell Power(Ex): An aventi's effective caster level is +1 for spells with the water descriptor.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Sea Trade

Bonus Languages: Aquan, Darfellan, Gnomish, Hadozian

Favored Class: Any

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

15 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 53 70 +2d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'10" +2d10" 120lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'5" +2d10" 85lb. x(2d4)lb.

Bhuka (Bhukas)- Sandstorm page 39

Lawful and good natured goblinoids.

Location: Adobe and sandstone villages built into desert cliffs and canyons.

-2 STR, +2 DEX

Medium Size

Humanoid (Goblinoid)

30' Base Speed

Glare Resistance(Ex): Bhukas are never dazzled by bright sun or sun glare.

Heat Endurance(Ex): Bhukas gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat.

Nature Affinity(Ex): Bhukas gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks and Knowledge (nature) is always a class skill.

Sure Feet(Ex): Bhukas treat shallow sand as normal terrain and deep sand as shallow sand.

Wasteland Toughness(Ex): Bhukas gain a +2 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fort saves to resist harmful effects from heat or dehydration.

Water Sense(Ex): By making a Survival check (see Sandstorm page 41 for the DC), a Bhuka can detect a source of drinkable water up to a distance of 100 feet.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Bhuka Goblin

Bonus Languages: Draconic, Feninese, Goblin

Favored Class: Druid

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

14 +1d4 +2d4 +3d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

25 37 49 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'0" +2d10" 30lb. x(1d4)lb.

female 3'9" +2d10" 25lb. x(2d4)lb.

Bugbear (Bugbears) - Monster Manual page 29

Aggressive and bulky goblinoids.

Location: Temperate mountain and foothill fortified towns.

+2 STR, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Goblinoid)

30' Base Speed

Darkvision 60'(In)

Sneaky(Ex): Bugbears gain a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Buhg Goblin

Bonus Languages: Centaurian, Elven, Giant, Goblin

Favored Class: Rogue

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

14 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 53 70 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 5'4" +2d12" 230lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 5'2" +2d12" 180lb. x(2d6)lb.

Bugbear Racial Levels Hit Die: d8


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







+1 STR, +1 CON, tough hide +1






+1 DEX, +2 CON, tough hide +2






+2 STR, +2 DEX, tough hide +3

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Climb, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Bugbears are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Tough Hide(In): A bugbear gains a natural armor bonus as he increases in bugbear racial levels.

Catfolk (Catfolk) - Races of the Wild page 92

Nomadic feline humanoids known for their passion.

Location: Mobile encampments on warm and tropical grasslands.

+2 DEX, -1 WIS

Medium Size

Humanoid (Catfolk)

30' Base Speed

Keen Senses(Ex): Catfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.

Low-Light Vision(In)

Stealthy(Ex): Catfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Feninese

Bonus Languages: Draconic, Goblin, Haflish, Sylvan

Favored Class: Ranger

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

14 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 53 70 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'10" +2d10" 120lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'5" +2d10" 85lb. x(2d4)lb.

Catfolk Racial Levels Hit Die: d8


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







+1 DEX, +1 CHA, fast (40'), tough hide +1






+2 DEX, +1 WIS, +2 CHA

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Balance, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Catfolk are proficient with all simple weapons and light armor.

Fast(In): A catfolk gains a faster base land speed as he increases in catfolk racial levels.

Tough Hide(In): A catfolk gains a natural armor bonus as he increases in catfolk racial levels.

Darfellan (Darfellans)- Stormwrack page 37

Broad and brooding folk with black skin and white markings.

Location: Saltwater coastal villages in any climate.

+2 STR, -2 DEX

Medium Size

Humanoid (Darfellan)

20' Base Speed

40' Base Swim Speed: Darfellans receive a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks and can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered.

Natural Weapons: bite(1d6).

Echolocation(Ex): Darfellans can emit whistles in water and listen to the echoes to have blindsense out to 20', but the blindsense doesn't extend beyond the water.

Hold Breath(Ex): A darfellan can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to 8 x his Constitution score before he risks drowning.

Trained Against Sahuagin(Ex): Darfellans gain a +2 racial bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against sahuagin.

Automatic Languages: Sea Trade, Darfellan

Bonus Languages: Aquan, Storm Giant, Hadozian, Trade

Favored Class: Barbarian

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

14 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

33 50 65 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'5" +2d4" 120lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 4'5" +2d4" 100lb. x(2d6)lb.

Dirmu (Dirmu) - Original Race

Round slow-to-change folk.

Location: Cave cities built into mountain sides or ice shelves in arctic climates.

Appearance: Dirmu are stocky folk of intermediate size and heavy blubber. They have no hair on their bodies and skin that is think and pale blue. They have no noses, lips, or ears and one continuous eyebrow, usually black or iron in hue. A Dirmu has a single large eye with a flap of skin that covers the center, acting as a cleaning method, similar to eye lids with other races.

-1 DEX, +1 CON, +1 WIS, -1 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Dirmu)

30' Base Speed

Low-Light Vision(In)

Hibernate(Ex): Because the Dirmu generally live in cold climates, they find it very helpful to hibernate. After predetermining a length of time (up to 3 months), a Dirmu can hibernate, dropping his heart rate to 10 beats per minute and his breathing rate to 3 breaths per minute. After 30 minutes in hibernation, any non-magical sickness or disease the Dirmu may have had is cured, and he heals 1 hit point per minute of rest past the half-hour. Without a Heal check DC 18, a Dirmu in hibernation will likely be mistaken for dead.

Resistance to Cold 5(Ex)

Sense Stability(Ex): This ability grants a Dirmu a +2 racial bonus on balance checks or reflex saves caused by sudden changes in ground stability. In addition, a Dirmu who merely comes within 10 feet of a pit trap, thin ice, or similar ground can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dirmu can use the Search skill to find pit traps as a rogue can.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Dirmu

Bonus Languages: White Draconic, Et Giant, Uld Sylvan, Widder

Favored Class: Ranger and Barbarian

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

13 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

30 45 60 +2d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'10" +2d10" 180lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 4'5" +2d10" 125lb. x(2d6)lb.

Dragonborn (Dragonborn)- Races of the Dragon page 8

Self-made race of noble and good dragon creatures.

Location: Castles and keeps in any climate or land terrain.

A dragonborn's type becomes humanoid with the dragonblood subtype. All other normal benefits of becoming a dragonborn are acquired by advancing in dragonborn racial levels.

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

200 300 400 +2d100

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

any unchanged +1d2" unchanged +(1d6+4)%

Dragonborn Racial Levels Hit Die: d10


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







-2 DEX, +2 CON, champion of good, draconic aspect, dragonfear resistant, dragon tongue, innate dragonsense

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Concentration, Disguise, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dragonborn are proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Champion Of Good(Ex): A dragonborn's favored class becomes Fighter. Furthermore, dragonborn paladins can leave that class and return to it without penalty.

Draconic Aspect: See Races of the Dragon pages 9 and 10 for details.

Dragonfear Resistant(Ex): Dragonborn are immune to the frightful presence of dragons.

Dragon Tongue(Ex): Dragonborn gain Common Draconic as an automatic language.

Innate Dragonsense(Ex): Dragonborn gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the dragon type.

Dwarf (Dwarves)- Player's Handbook page 14

Stocky folk with an affinity to earthen materials.

Location: Vast cities built in the underside of large mountains, typically in temperate climates.

+2 CON, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Dwarf)

20' Base Speed

Darkvision 60'(In)

Magic Resistant(Ex): Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.

Mineral Familiarity(Ex): Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks and Craft checks that are related to stone or metal items.

Trained Against Giants(Ex): Dwarves gain a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type.

Trained Against Orcs(Ex): Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs (including half-orcs) and goblinoids.

Poison Resistant(Ex): Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.

Stability(Ex): A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks to made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground.

Stonecunning(Ex): This ability grants a dwarf a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction, unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn't stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground.

Unburdened(Ex): Dwarves can move at base land speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): Dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes are treated as martial weapons.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Dwarven

Bonus Languages: Giant, Goblin, Orc, Terran, Underworld Trade

Favored Class: Fighter

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

40 +3d6 +5d6 +7d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

125 188 250 +2d100

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 3'9" +2d4" 130lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 3'7" +2d4" 100lb. x(2d6)lb.

Elf (Elves)- Player's Handbook page 15

Lithe, melodic folk with an affinity to plants and animals.

Location: Verdant forests in cities built above the ground, in harmony with the trees.

+2 DEX, -2 CON

Medium Size

Humanoid (Elf)

30' Base Speed

Keen Senses(Ex): This ability grants an elf a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely comes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door can make a Search check as if he were actively searching.

Low-Light Vision(In)

Magic Resistant(Ex): Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): Elves are proficient in longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Elven

Bonus Languages: Arcane Draconic, Goblin, Illumian, Sylvan

Favored Class: Wizard

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

110 +4d6 +6d6 +10d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

175 263 350 +4d100

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'5" +2d6" 85lb. x(1d6)lb.

female 4'5" +2d6" 80lb. x(1d6)lb.

Gnoll (Gnolls) - Races of the Wild page 99

Savage and tribal hyena-headed people.

Location: Nomadic settlements in temperate foothills.

+2 STR, -2 INT, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Gnoll)

30' Base Speed

Darkvision 60'(In)

Automatic Languages: Trade, Gnollish

Bonus Languages: Arcane Draconic, Triliak Giant, Hob Goblin, Orcish

Favored Class: Ranger

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

14 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 53 70 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 5'4" +2d12" 200lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 5'2" +2d12" 180lb. x(2d6)lb.

Gnoll Racial Levels Hit Die: d8


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







+1 STR, +1 CON, tough hide +1






+2 STR, +2 CON

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Listen, Spot

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gnolls are proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons, light armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Tough Hide(In): A gnoll gains a natural armor bonus as he increases in gnoll racial levels.

Gnome (Gnomes)- Player's Handbook page 17

Curious and reckless high-tech craftsman.

Location: Small settlements of homes, with each home built beneath a hill, typically in a temperate forested environment.

-2 STR, +2 CON

Small Size

Humanoid (Gnome)

20' Base Speed

Innate Magic(Sp): Gnomes can speak with animals 1/day to talk to burrowing mammals only, for a duration of 1 minute. A gnome with a Charisma score of at least 10 also has the following, each once per day: dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + Charisma modifier + spell level.

Keen Senses(Ex): Gnomes gain a +2 racial bonus on Listen checks and Craft (alchemy) checks.

Low-Light Vision(In)

Magic Resistant(Ex): Gnomes gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusions.

Natural Illusionists(Ex): Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells cast by gnomes.

Trained Against Giants(Ex): Gnomes gain a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type.

Trained Against Kobolds(Ex): Gnomes gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): Gnome hooked hammers are treated as martial weapons.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Gnomish

Bonus Languages: Arcane Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Haflish, Illumian, Sylvan, Sea Trade

Favored Class: Bard

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

40 +4d6 +6d6 +9d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

100 150 200 +3d100

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 3'0" +2d4" 40lb. x1lb.

female 2'10" +2d4" 35lb. x1lb.

Goblin (Goblins)- Monster Manual page 134

Small, filthy, clever, and vile creatures.

Location: Tribes in caves or ruins near civilizations.

-2 STR, +2 DEX, -2 CHA

Small Size

Humanoid (Goblinoid)

30' Base Speed

Darkvision 60'(Ex)

Sneaky(Ex): Goblins gain a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Warg Riders(Ex): Goblins gain a +4 racial bonus on Ride checks.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Goblin

Bonus Languages: Elven, Giant, Gnollish, Orcish

Favored Class: Rogue

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

10 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

25 37 50 +1d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 3'0" +2d4" 35lb. x1lb.

female 2'9" +2d4" 30lb. x1lb.

Hadozee (Hadozee)- Stormwrack page 41

Seafaring simian folk struck with wanderlust.

Location: No lands of their own, instead living among others aboard ships.

+2 DEX, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Hadozee)

30' Base Speed

Climber(Ex): Hadozee gain a +4 racial bonus on Balance checks and Climb checks. They do not lose their Dexterity bonus to AC while climbing and can climb unimpeded while holding something in one hand.

Gliding(Ex): Hadozee can use their arm-flaps to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing them to travel 20 feet horizontally for every 5 feet of descent. A hadozee glides at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability).

Automatic Languages: Sea Trade, Hadozian

Bonus Languages: Darfellan, Gnomish, Picadian, Trade

Favored Class: Rogue

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

13 +1d3 +1d4 +1d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 53 70 +2d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 5'0" +2d8" 150lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'10" +2d8" 120lb. x(2d4)lb.

Halfling (Halflings)- Player's Handbook page 19

Small, clever opportunists.

Location: Mobile caravans and shanty communities in warm areas.

-2 STR, +2 DEX

Small Size

Humanoid (Halfling)

20' Base Speed

Agile(Ex): Halflings gain a +2 racial bonus to Climb checks, Jump checks, and Move Silently checks.

Fearless(Ex): Halflings gain a +2 morale saving throw bonus against fear.

Keen Senses(Ex): Halflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.

Uncanny Resistance(Ex): Halflings gain a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): Halflings gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with slings and thrown weapons.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Haflish

Bonus Languages: White Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Og Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish

Favored Class: Rogue

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

20 +2d4 +3d6 +4d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

50 75 100 +5d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 2'8" +2d4" 30lb. x1lb.

female 2'6" +2d4" 25lb. x1lb.

Hobgoblin (Hobgoblins) - Monster Manual page 154

Military-minded goblinoids.

Location: Fortified complexes, particularly in warm hills.

+2 CON, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Goblinoid)

30' Base Speed

Darkvision 60'(In)

Sneaky(Ex): Hobgoblins gain a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Hob Goblin

Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnollish, Goblin, Infernal, Orcish

Favored Class: Fighter

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

12 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

30 45 60 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 5'8" +2d8" 180lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 5'4" +2d8" 140lb. x(2d6)lb.

Hobgoblin Racial Levels Hit Die: d8


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







+1 DEX, +1 CHA, alertness






+2 DEX, +2 CHA

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Climb, Hide, Intimidate, Move Silently, Search, Spot

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hobgoblins are proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons, light armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Alertness(Ex): Hobgoblins gain Alertness as a bonus feat.

Illumian (Illumians) - Races of Destiny page 51

Ambitious, contemplative scholarly folk.

Location: Cabals in single large buildings or small remote settlements.

Medium Size

Humanoid (Human)

30' Base Speed

Final Utterance(Ex): When an illumian dies, for 1 round per Hit Die of the illumian, anyone within earshot hears ululating Illumian syllables. The illumian's body need not remain intact for the final utterance to occur.

Glyphic Resonance(Ex): Illumians have an innate connection with glyph magic. Refer to Races of Destiny pages 53 and 54.

Illumian Words(Su): Each combination of two power sigils' names makes an Illumian word of great power, and thus grants extra abilities to a character who possesses those two power sigils. The benefit of each word of power is described on Races of Destiny pages 54 and 55.

Luminous Sigils(Su): Insubstantial sigils orbit an illumian's head, providing illumination equal to that of a candle. These can be turned on off and provide other benefits. Refer to Races of Destiny page 53.

Magic Resistant(Ex): Illumians gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells with the shadow descriptor.

Power Sigils(Su): Refer to Races of Destiny page 54. "Aesh" grants +1 bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks. "Hoon" grants +1 bonus on Wisdom checks, Constitution checks, and Wisdom- or Constitution-based skill checks. "Krau" grants +1 bonus to caster level for all spells and spell-like abilities *up to a maximum value equal to the illumian's character level). "Naen" grants +1 bonus on Intelligence checks and Intelligence-based skill checks. "Uur" grants +1 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-based skill checks. "Vaul" grants +1 bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks.

Superior Literacy(In): Illumians are always literate and Speak Language is always a class skill.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Illumian

Bonus Languages: Any

Favored Class: Any

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

20 +2d4 +3d6 +4d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

50 75 100 +4d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'11" +2d10" 110lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'6" +2d10" 80lb. x(2d4)lb.

Kobold (Kobolds)- Races of the Dragon page 37

Malicious reptilian creatures with sorcery in their blood.

Location: Caves in any temperate climate as long as mining is good.

-4 STR, +2 DEX, -2 CON

Small Size

Humanoid (Dragonblood, Reptilian)

30' Base Speed

Darkvision 60'(In)

Light Sensitivity(Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylightspell.

Natural Miners(Ex): Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on all Profession (miner) checks.

Natural Trapsmiths(Ex): Kobolds always consider Craft (trapmaking) a class skill, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft (trapmaking) checks and Search checks.

Tough Hide(In): Kobolds gain a +1 natural armor bonus.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Kob Draconic

Bonus Languages: Arcane Draconic, Dwarvish, Underworld Trade, Troglish

Favored Class: Sorcerer

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

6 +1d3 +1d4 +2d4

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

60 90 120 +Charisma

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 2'1" +2d4" 40lb. x1lb.

female 1'10" +2d4" 30lb. x1lb.

Lizardfolk (Lizardfolk) - Monster Manual page 169

Primitive reptilian people.

Location: Tribal villages in swamps and marshes.

+1 STR, +1 CON, -2 INT

Medium Size

Humanoid (Reptilian)

30' Base Speed

Natural Weapons: 2 claws(1d4) and bite(1d4).

Hold Breath(Ex): A lizardfolk can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 x his Constitution score before he risks drowning.

Tailed(Ex): Lizardfolk gain a +4 racial bonus to Balance checks, Jump checks, and Swim checks.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): A lizardfolk is automatically proficient with simple weapons and shields (except tower shields).

Automatic Languages: Trade, Vilek Draconic

Bonus Languages: Aquan, Black Draconic, Goblin, Siljinese

Favored Class: Druid

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

13 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

30 45 60 +2d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 5'8" +2d10" 150lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 5'4" +2d10" 120lb. x(2d6)lb.

Lizardfolk Racial Levels Hit Die: d8


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







Multiattack, tough hide +1






+1 STR, tough hide +3






+1 CON, tough hide +5

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Balance, Jump, Survival, Swim

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lizardfolk are proficient with all simple weapons and shields (except tower shields).

Multiattack(Ex): Lizardfolk gain Multiattack as a bonus feat.

Tough Hide(In): A lizardfolk gains a natural armor bonus as he increases in lizardfolk racial levels.

Mongrelfolk (Mongrelfolk) - Races of Destiny page 98

Mixed heritage people looked down on by all.

Location: No lands of their own, instead blending in with their parent societies.

+4 CON, -2 INT, -4 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Human)

30' Base Speed

Agile(Ex): Mongrelfolk gain a +1 racial bonus to Climb checks, Jump checks, and Move Silently checks.

Diffuse Blood(Ex): Mongrelfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against any spell that targets a particular race or ignores a particular race, provided the selected race is part of their general ancestry.

Emulate Race(Ex): Mongrelfolk gain the benefit of the emulate race function of the Use Magic Device skill without the need for a skill check when emulating humanoid races, or with a +4 racial bonus on the Use Magic Device check to emulate non-humanoid races.

Keen Senses(Ex): Mongrelfolk gain a +1 racial bonus to Appraise checks, Listen checks, Search checks, and Spot checks.

Low-Light Vision(In)

Magic Resistant(Ex): Mongrelfolk are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +1 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment and illusion spells or effects.

Poison Resistant(Ex): Mongrelfolk gain a +1 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.

Sound Imitation(Ex): A mongrelfolk can mimic any voice or sound she has heard. Listeners must succeed on a DC 16 Will save to detect the ruse.

Stealthy(Ex): Mongrelfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks and Sleight of Hand checks.

Automatic Languages: Trade

Bonus Languages: Any Humanoid

Favored Class: Rogue

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

15 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 53 70 +2d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'4" +2d6" 100lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 4'3" +2d6" 85lb. x(2d4)lb.

Orc (Orcs) - Monster Manual page 203

Brutish and barbaric humanoids.

Location: Anywhere.

+4 STR, -2 INT, -2 WIS, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Orc)

30' Base Speed

Darkvision 60'(In)

Light Sensitivity(Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylightspell.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Orcish

Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Minotaur, Underworld Trade

Favored Class: Barbarian

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

14 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

30 45 60 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'10" +2d12" 150lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 4'5" +2d12" 110lb. x(2d6)lb.

Raptoran (Raptorans)- Races of the Wild page 65

Deep-thinking warriors of the sky.

Location: Mountain top towers or cliff-side dwellings.

Medium Size

Humanoid (Raptoran)

30' Base Speed

Flight(Ex): At 5 Hit Dice, a raptoran gains a flight speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). See Races of Wild page 68 for details and limitations.

Gliding(Ex): Raptorans can use their arm-flaps to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing them to travel 20 feet horizontally for every 5 feet of descent. A raptoran glides at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability), but can't glide while carrying a medium or heavy load.

Keen Senses(Ex): Raptorans gain a +2 racial bonus on Spot checks.

Low-Light Vision(In)

Pact With Wind Lords(Ex): A raptoran's effective caster level is +1 for spells with the air descriptor.

Strong Grip(Ex): Raptorans gain a +2 racial bonus on Climb checks.

Unerring Direction(Ex): While on the material plane, a raptoran can always sense which direction is North.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): Footbows are treated as martial weapons.

Wing-Aided Movement(Ex): Raptorans gain a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Falspiran

Bonus Languages: Auran, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Tik-Anese

Favored Class: Cleric

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

20 +1d6 +2d6 +3d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

100 200 250 +3d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 5'2" +2d10" 100lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 5'2" +2d10" 100lb. x(2d4)lb.

Sea Kin (Sea Kin) - Races of Destiny page 100

Shy and peaceful folk with an affinity for water.

Location: Partially submerged cities built into ocean cliffs.

Medium Size

Humanoid (Human)

30' Base Land and Swim Speed

Hold Breath(Ex): A sea kin can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to 8 x his Constitution score before he risks drowning.

Low-Light Vision(In)

Oily Skin(Ex): Sea kin gain a +2 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks.

Skilled(Ex): Sea kin receive 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Water Dependency(Ex): A sea kin must immerse his entire body in water at least once a week or suffer ill effects. After a week has passed, a sea kin must make a Constitution check every day thereafter (DC 10 + 1 per additional day) or take 1 point of Constitution damage, which can not be regenerated naturally without water. Once a sea kin immerses his body in water, he regains 1d4 points of Constitution per hour that he remains in water.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): Tridents and nets are treated as simple weapons.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Sea Trade

Bonus Languages: Aquan, Darfellan, Oceanus Giant, Hadozian, Picadian

Favored Class: Druid

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

17 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

40 63 85 +3d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'10" +2d10" 120lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'5" +2d10" 85lb. x(2d4)lb.

Sharakim (Sharakim) - Races of Destiny page 102

Race of shadowy people seeking atonement for an ancient sin.

Location: Villages in foothills, no more than a couple of days from a city.

+2 STR, -2 DEX, +2 INT, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Human, Orc)

30' Base Speed

Darkvision 60'(In)

Light Sensitivity(Ex): Sharakim take a -1 penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Shadow Affinity(Ex): In areas of darkness or shadowy illumination, a sharakim gains a +2 racial bonus on Hide checks, Move Silently checks, Search checks, and Spot checks.

Tough Hide(In): Sharakim gain a +1 natural armor bonus.

Trained Against Orcs(Ex): Sharakim gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs (including half-orcs).

Automatic Languages: Trade, Sharak Orcish

Bonus Languages: Arcane Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Tief Infernal, Orcish, Underworld Trade

Favored Class: Wizard

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

16 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

30 45 60 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'10" +2d10" 150lb. x(2d6)lb.

female 4'5" +2d10" 110lb. x(2d6)lb.

Skulk (Skulks) - Races of Destiny page 105

Violent and cruel race of people with natural camouflage.

Location: No lands of their own, instead living parasitically off other cities.

+2 DEX, -2 WIS, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Human)

30' Base Speed

Stealthy(Ex): Skulks gain a +2 racial bonus on Move Silently checks and a +5 racial bonus on Hide checks. These bonuses increase as the skulk gains more skulk racial levels.

Trackless Path(Ex): The DC of any Survival check to follow the trail of a skulk is increased by 10.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Togrimic

Bonus Languages: Giant, Goblin, Haflish, Orcish, Underworld Trade, Troglish

Favored Class: Rogue

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

15 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 53 70 +2d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'10" +2d10" 105lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'5" +2d10" 70lb. x(2d4)lb.

Skulk Racial Levels Hit Die: d8


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







+2 DEX, -2 CHA, +5 hide, +3 move silently, peerless camouflage






+10 hide, +6 move silently, innate nondetection

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Hide, Move Silently

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Skulks are proficient with all simple weapons.

Innate Nondetection(Su): If divination is attempted upon a skulk, the caster of the divination must succeed on a DC 20 caster level check or the spell fails.

Peerless Camouflage(Ex): Skulks can move at full speed while hiding, taking no penalties on Hide checks due to movement.

Spellscale (Spellscales)- Races of the Dragon page 21

Diverse and creative race of dragon people.

Location: Open and accepting towns and cities near water and mountains.

-2 CON, +2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Dragonblood)

30' Base Speed

Blood Quickening(Su): Each day, a spellscale can perform a draconic meditation to gain a benefit. Variations of this meditation are described on Races of the Dragon page 25.

Low-Light Vision(In)

Automatic Languages: Trade, Nosep Draconic

Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Illumian, Musgilian, Widder

Favored Class: Sorcerer

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

12 +1d4 +1d6 +2d4

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 70 140 +2d10

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'7" +2d6" 90lb. x(2d8)lb.

female 4'10" +2d8" 100lb. x(2d8)lb.

Taman (Tamen) - Original Race

Unstable but noble tattoo-wearing race of water creatures.

Location: Coral cities under water.

Appearance: Tamen vary greatly in their appearances due to the animalistic side of the race. They tend to have short snouts, low foreheads, and large pointed ears. Also common is a short fur or scales of a color applicable to their animal nature.

+1 CON, +1 INT, -2 CHA

Medium Size

Humanoid (Aquatic): Aquatic creatures can breath water but not air, unless they also have the amphibious ability

30' Base Land and Swim Speed: Tamen receive a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks and can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered.

Amphibious(In): Tamen can breath water or air equally well.

Animal Heritage(In): Every Taman has an alter-ego of some sort of animal. This animal usually is shown with some minor traces in the Taman's appearance, but is particularly obvious through their personality and emotions. The animal must be an aquatic or amphibious animal of Medium, Small, or Tiny size.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Picadian

Bonus Languages: Aquan, Draconic, Giant, Gnomish, Hadozian

Favored Class: Any

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

32 +1d6 +2d8 +3d8

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

75 113 150 +1d100

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'5" +2d6" 85lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'5" +2d6" 80lb. x(2d4)lb.

Taman Racial Levels Hit Die: d8


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







+1 INT, bestial ego

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Intimidate, Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Spot, Survival, Swim

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Taman are proficient with all simple weapons.

Bestial Ego(Su): The Taman can assume the form of its animal heritage as a full round action up to once per day. In addition, at the beginning of a combat there is a 30% chance the Taman will automatically change forms as an uncontrolled free action (this doesn't count against the daily use). Otherwise, the mechanics are the same as a Druid's Wild Shape ability.

Troglodyte (Troglodytes) - Monster Manual page 246

Odorous reptilian people with malicious and foul natures.

Location: No lands of their own, instead taking over unwanted parts of others' cities.

-2 DEX, +4 CON, -2 INT

Medium Size

Humanoid (Reptilian)

30' Base Speed

Natural Weapons: 2 claws(1d4) and bite(1d4).

Chameleon Skin(Ex): A troglodyte can alter the pigmentation of its skin somewhat, gaining a +4 bonus on Hide checks. In rocky or underground settings this bonus improves to +8.

Darkvision 90'(In)

Automatic Languages: Trade, Troglish

Bonus Languages: Kob Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orcish

Favored Class: Cleric

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

13 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

30 45 60 +2d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'7" +2d8" 125lb. x(2d4)lb.

female 4'5" +2d8" 100lb. x(2d4)lb.

Troglodyte Racial Levels Hit Die: d8


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







Multiattack, stench






Tough hide +3






Tough hide +6

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Balance, Jump, Survival, Swim

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Troglodytes are proficient with all simple weapons.

Multiattack(Ex): Troglodytes gain Multiattack as a bonus feat.

Stench(Ex): Troglodytes produce as stench when angry or frightened. All living creatures, except troglodytes, within 30 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ the troglodyte's character level + Con modifier) or be sickened for 10 rounds. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same troglodyte's stench for 24 hours. A delay poisonor neutralize poisonspell removes the effect from the sickened creature. This sickness counts as poison for purposes of resistances and immunities.

Tough Hide(In): A troglodyte gains a natural armor bonus as he increases in troglodyte racial levels.

Underfolk (Underfolk) - Races of Destiny page 109

Cave-dwelling xenophobic folk.

Location: Tribes in towns built in caves roughly a mile below the surface world.

Medium Size

Humanoid (Human)

30' Base Speed

Camouflage(Ex): Underfolk can change their skin coloration at will to mimic the surrounding terrain, giving them a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. In rocky terrain, this bonus increases to +10. This ability works even if an underfolk is viewed with darkvision, although true seeingnegates this bonus.

Darkvision 60'(In)

Keen Senses(Ex): Underfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.

Light Sensitivity(Ex): Underfolk are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylightspell.

Skilled(Ex): Underfolk receive 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Weapon Familiarity(Ex): light picks and heavy picks are treated as simple weapons.

Automatic Languages: Underworld Trade

Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Fomoria Giant, Minotaur, Orcish

Favored Class: Any

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

15 +1d4 +1d6 +2d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

35 53 70 +2d20

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

male 4'5" +2d6" 85lb. x(1d6)lb.

female 4'4" +2d6" 80lb. x(1d6)lb.

Widdershin (Widdershins) - Original Race

Slow and long-lived people of nature.

Location: Small villages on high mountain cliffs.

Appearance: Widdershins are lanky creatures with pin-prick pupils and irises that make up most of the area the pupil would normally take up on a humanoid's eyes. They are completely hairless, having small ears, no lips, very pronounced cheek bones, and skin that is glossy black with gray-to-white highlights.

-2 DEX, +2 WIS

Medium Size

Humanoid (Widdershin)

30' Base Speed

Hatred of Unnatural(Ex): Widdershins gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against aberrations, magical beasts, constructs, fey, outsiders, and undead.

Sense Unnatural(Su): If an aberration, magical beast, construct, fey, outsider, or undead comes within 60' line of sight or 20' proximity, the Widdershin will get chills. By concentrating on a specific target for a full round, the Widdershin can determine the target's type (as long as it is an aberration, magical beast, construct, fey, outsider, or undead).

Unswayed(Ex): +2 racial bonus on rolls to defend against Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. In addition a Widdershin receives +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.

Automatic Languages: Trade, Widder

Bonus Languages: Dirmu, White Draconic, Et Giant, Og Giant, Haflish

Favored Class: Druid and Monk

Adulthood Easy Class Normal Class Hard Class

105 +4d6 +8d6 +12d6

Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age

500 750 1000 +4d100

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

neutral 4'6" +2d10" 110lb. x(1d6)lb.

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